

Insecticides: We have an extensive range of insecticide sprays. Popular collections includes imidacloprid, confidor, pyrethrum, lawn grub killer, malathion, eco neem, neem oil, insecticidal soap, natrasoap, rose spray, tomato dust, fruit fly traps and sprays. Products of note include richgro bug killer & searles conguard.

Showing 1-36 of 55 Results
Showing 1-36 of 55 Results

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What spray do you suggest for treating Bronze Orange Bugs ie Stink Bugs on Citrus?

A. From our experience and feedback from customers, the following sprays have been successful in treating stink bugs.

David Grays Malathion Garden Spray (Click Here)

Bayer Confidor Garden Insecticide 

Yates Baythroid

Yates Success Ultra Insect Control (Click Here)