Chicken Coops

Chicken Coops

Showing 1-9 of 9 Results
Showing 1-9 of 9 Results

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What sort of timber are your coops made from and what are they treated with? Also wondering where the material is sourced from?

A. These coops are made from Chinese Fir timber (a kind of timber which is plentiful in China) which according to the manufacturer is treated with a water-based eco-friendly lacquer. The answer relates only to the EP-3033, EP-313 and EP-309 coops.

Q. I would like to use one of these coops for rabbits, is the weatherproofing lacquer animal safe?   

A. According to the manufacturer these coops include an animal safe lacquer. The same type of lacquer used on our timber rabbit hutches.