Airline Approved Pet Carriers
Airline Approved Pet Carriers. Australian made airline approved travel pet carriers in 10 different sizes including PP20, P...
Akadama: This collection offers premium Japanese pumice soil, ideal for bonsai, cacti & succulents, orchids enthusiasts...
All Year Round
Aluminium Sulphate
Aluminium Sulphate: A multipurpose product popular for use in water filtration, and as a fertiliser and other uses.
Animal Repellent
Ant Pest Control
Aquarium Accesories
Aquarium Supplies
Aquarium Supplies
Automatic Chicken Feeder
Automatic Pet Feeders
Autumn Lines
Avione Lorikeet Food
Axolotls, Yabbies, etc
Barf Cat Food
Dr. B’s Barf Cat Food is a raw, biologically appropriate diet designed to support feline health. Made with high-quality meats, organs, and e...
Barf Dog Food
Dr. B’s BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) Dog Food offers premium raw meals designed for optimal pet health, supporting natural nutri...
BBQ Charcoal
Best Dog Treats
Best Fertiliser
Best Insecticide Spray
Best Lawn Fertiliser
Best selling products
Best Weed Killer
Biopet & Organic Food
Bird Supplies: Bird Pet Store near me. We have an extensive of range of bird care supplies and birds for sale. We are a Pet...
Bird Accessories - Misc
Bird Antibiotics Plus
Bird Aviary
Bird Books
Bird Books, DVDs & Magazines
Bird Boxes
Bird Boxes for Sale including Nest Boxes, Bird Nesting Box, Nesting Boxes for Hens, Cockatiel Nesting Box, Bud...
Bird Breeding Aids
Bird Breeding Supplements
Bird Brooder
Bird Cage Fronts
A wide range of Bird cage fronts at great prices. Cage fronts are popular among canary, budgie and and finch breeders for display cages.
Bird Cage Stand
Bird Care Supplies
Bird Deterrent
Bird DVD's
Bird Egg Biscuit
Bird Feeder
Bird Feeder: We have an extensive range of bird feeders. Popular ranges include wild bird feeders & no mess bird feeder...
Bird Feeders & Waterers
Bird Feeds
Bird Food
Bird Food: A huge range of premium bird food diets. Popular feed categories include bird treats, wild bird food, drie...
Bird Hand Rearing Food
Bird Hygiene
Bird Magazines
Bird Medications
Bird Mite & Lice
Bird Nesting
Bird Nesting for Sale including Bird Boxes, Budgie Boxes, Canary Nests, Finch Nesting, Pigeon Nests, Breeding Aids, Swamp grass, November Gr...
Bird Perch
Bird Seed
Bird Seed: We have a huge range of premium Australian bird seed. Popular bird food products include wild bird seed, sunflow...
Bird Seed Blocks
Bird Seed, Fruit & Nuts
Bird Soft Food & Crumbles
Bird Sprout Mix
Bird Stands
Bird Supplements & Treats
Bird Supplements & Treats: We have an extensive of range of bird treats, supplements, vitamins and various bird food to...
Bird Supplements Misc
Bird Toys
Bird Treatments
Bird Treats
Bird Vitamins
Bird Waterer
Bird Wormers
Birds For Sale
Biscuit Treats
Black Dog Treats
Black Hawk
Black Hawk Dog Food
Blood & Bone Fertiliser
Bonsai Potting Mix
Breeders Choice Cat Litter
Budgie Cage
Budgie Food
Budgie Seed
Budgies For Sale
Buffalo Weed Killer
Bulk Lorikeet Food
Bunny Enclosure
Bunny Rabbit Hutch
Cacti & Succulent Fertiliser
Cactus Potting Mix
Calcium For Birds
Calcium For Chickens
Calcium supplements like Calgrit, calcium carbonate, and shell grit are essential for chickens' bone health and eggshell formation. Ca...
Calcium For Pigeons
Calcium Nitrate
Can / Wet Food
Canaries For Sale
Canary Cage
Canary Food
Canary Nesting
Canary Seed
Casual Dresses
You are looking for a dress for every day? Take a look at
our selection of dresses to find one that suits you.
Cat Supplies: We have an extensive range of cat care products. Popular collections include cat treats, cat food, black haw...
Cat Accessories
Cat Bowls
Cat Deterrent
Cat Flea, Tick & Worming
Cat Food
Cat Grooming
Cat Litter
Cat Litter: We have a extensive range of cat and pet litter. Popular collections include Lucerne Pellets, Wood Pellets, Pin...
Cat Litter Box
Cat Litter Pellets
Cat Medications
Cat Misc Accessories
Cat Scratching Posts
Cat Supplements
Cat Toys
Cat Toys Misc
Cat Treats
Chick Accessories
Chick Cage
Chick Starter Feed
Chicken Accessories
Chicken Bedding
Chicken Coop & Hutch SUPER SALE
Chicken Coops
Chicken Egg Incubators
Chicken Egg Incubators: We are direct importers of genuine Janoel incubators. Ideal for hatching a range of hen eggs includ...
Chicken Feed
Chicken Feed: A wide range of premium chicken feed. Popular chicken food products include organic chi...
Chicken Feeder
Chicken Feeder & Waterer
Chicken Heat Lamp
Chicken Layer Mash
Chicken Layer Pellets
Chicken Layer Pellets. We have an extensive range of Australian layer pellets. Our top selling poultry layer pellet is Vel...
Chicken Manure
Chicken Medication
Chicken Mite Powder
Chicken Nesting Boxes
Chicken Scratch Mix
Chicken Supplements
Chicken Supplies
Chicken Supplies: We are chicken specialists with an extensive range of chicken supply products. Popular collections includ...
Chicken Vitamins
Chicken Waterer
Chicken Wire Mesh
Frequently Asked Questions?
Q. I want use some chicken mesh as a bottom floor of my bunny's cage but I worry it's so thin a...
Chicken Wormer
Chickens For Sale Sydney
Quality Chickens for Sale In Sydney - Looking for productive, healthy chickens for your property? Our Sydney shop stocks...
Citrus Fertiliser
Clearance Lines!
Coccidiosis Medicine for Chickens
Cockatiel Food
Cockatiel Seed
Cockatiels for Sale
Cockroach Gel
Cockroach Killer
Cockroach Pest Control
Cockroach Pest Control: We have an extensive range of cockroach killers including sprays, dusts, gels & pastes. Popular...
Coco Coir
Coco coir is a natural fiber extracted from coconut husks, widely used in gardening and hydroponics. It retains moisture well, promotes aera...
Coconut Fibre Bedding
Coconut Mulch
Com-fortis Plus
Compost Worms
Compost Worms: We have worms that are ideal for use with our Tumbleweed worm farms, Our worms are mostly red wrigglers, red...
Confidor Spray
Confidor Spray: The confidor brand has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Please consider alternatives below that inclu...
Conures for Sale
Copper Based Fungicide
Copper Oxychloride
Crates & Carriers
Crystal Cat Litter
Cuttlefish Bone
Denta Stix Treats
Diatomaceous Earth
Discount Garden Supplies
Discount Pet Supplies
Check this collection regularly for new discounted and clearance pet supplies. 10 to 50% OFF. These are genuine discounts for products that ...
Discounted Pet & Garden Supplies
Dog Supplies: We have a wide range of dog care supplies. Popular collections include dog treats, dog food, vegan dog food, ...
Dog Accessories
Dog Beds
Dog Bowls
Dog Bowls & Fountains
Dog Brushes
Dog Carriers
Dog Chocolates
Dog Clipping & Trimming
Dog Collars
Dog Conditioner
Dog Crates
Dog Crates, Carriers & Pens.
Dog Fly Control
Dog Food
Dog Harnesses
Dog Jerky Treats
Dog Kennels
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Do you have a waterproof timber dog kennel for outside use without any shelter at all?
Dog Leads
Dog Medication & Supplements
Dog Misc Accessories
Dog Pens
Dog Repellent
Dog Shampoo
Dog Shampoo & Conditioner
Dog Supplements
Dog Toys
Dog Treats
Double Bird Cage
Double Rabbit Hutch
Doves For Sale
Dried & Smoked Treats
Dried Mealworms
Dried mealworms are a nutritious, protein-rich treat for chickens, supporting feather growth, egg production, and overall health. They...
Ducks for Sale Ducklings
Eclectus Parrots for sale
Eden Seeds
Elliotts Lorikeet Food
Epsom Salt For Plants
Epsom Salts
Eucalyptus Mulch
Facebook Promo's
Featured Bird Supplies
Featured Dog Products
Featured Garden Supplies
Featured Pigeon Products
Ferret Cages
Ferret Food
Ferret Products
Ferrets for Sale
Fertiliser: We have an extensive range of quality fertilisers. Popular collections include lawn fertiliser, urea, NPK, liqu...
Fertiliser For Tomatoes
Finch Food
Finch Nesting
Finch Seed
Finches For Sale
Fish Emulsion Fertiliser
Fish Food
Fish For Sale
Fish Tank
Flat Dog Kennels
Flea, Mite & Lice Control
Flea, Tick and Worming
Fly Control
Forage Bird Seed
Forage Bird Seed is a premium and gourmet bird food range that includes seeds, nuts, grains, dried fruits, and vegetables. We stock the full...
Fresh Meat
Frequently Asked Questions.
Q. I was just wondering if any of your fresh meat packs contain offal or bone?
Fresh Meat For Cats
Fresh Meat for Dogs
Delivery Cut Off. Fresh meat packs in the 20kg size have a cut off for delivery the following week. See below for details
Fresh Meat Rolls
Frontline Plus
Fruit & Veg Insect Sprays
Fruit & Vegie Patch Care
Fruit Fertiliser
Fruit Fly Spray
Fruit Fly Trap
Fruit Trees
We get regular shipments of Fruit Trees at our Sydney Store. Popular Trees are Lemon, Apricot, Cumquat, Plums, Pears, Lime, Apple, Peach, Ci...
Game Bird Feed
Garden Mulch
Garden Pest Control
Garden Soil
Garden Specials!
Garden Sprayers
General - Flea & Tick
General - Worming
General Reptile
German Cockroach
Glyphosate Free
Glyphosate Weedkiller
Grain Feed
Grain Free Dog Food
Grass Grub Killer
Grass Seed
Great Barko & Uncle Albers
Greenies Dental Treats
Growing Mediums
Guinea Pig Food
Guinea Pig Supplies
Guinea Pigs For Sale
Hairball Control
Hand Raised Baby Birds
Healthy Dog Treats
Heart & Intestinal Worm
Heart Worming
Heat Lamp For Chicks
Hemp Bedding
Herb Seeds
Hills Science Diet
Home & Garden Care
Home & Personal Care
Horse & Cattle
Horse, Stockfeed & Hay
Housing & Bedding
Huge Rabbit Hutch
Hydroponic Fertiliser
Imidacloprid based garden products including Confidor, Richgro Bug Killa, Searles Conguard, Brunnings Lawn Grub & David Grays Systemic B...
Incubators & Brooders
Indian Ringnecks for Sale
Indoor Plant Fertiliser
Indoor Rabbit Hutch
Indoor Rabbit Hutches
Indoor Smart Gardens
Insecticidal Soap
Insecticides: We have an extensive range of insecticide sprays. Popular collections includes imidacloprid, confidor, pyreth...
Intestinal Worming
Iron Chelate
Ivory Coat
Ivory Coat Dog Food
Joint & Arthritis Care
Kanuma: This collection offers premium Japanese pumice, ideal for acid-loving plants like azaleas and camellias amd some va...
Kitten Care
Kitten Food
Kitty Litter Pans
Kitty Litter Pans
Large Bird Cage
Large Breed
Large Rabbit Hutch
Laucke Chicken Feed
Frequently Asked Questions?
Q. Could you please advise if the Red Hen feed has any GMO grains in it? I note it contains Can...
Laucke Mills & Misc Crumbles
Laucke Mills Parrot Pellets
Lawn Care
Lawn Fertiliser
Lawn General Care
Lawn Grub Killer
We have a wide range of Lawn Grub Treatments in spray, granule, concentrate and hose on form. Lawn grubs are white worms in the grass that g...
Lawn Pest Control
Lawn Seed
Lawn Top Dressing
Lawn Weedkiller
We have a wide range of selective weedkillers for lawns. Not be confused with herbicides like
Leads, Collars, Harnesses
Lice Killer
Liquid & Soluble Fertiliser
Liquid Fertiliser
Lori Cuisine
Lorikeet Food
Lorikeet Food: A wide range of premium feeds for rainbow lorikeets and nectar eating birds. Our most popular brand is...
Lorikeet Treats
Lorikeet Food Treats for sale. Popular treats include Wombaroo Nectar Shake 'N' Make, Passwell Avian Delight Bars and Vetafarm Blossom Necta...
Lorikeets for sale
Lovebird Food
Lovebirds & Masked Lovebirds for Sale
Lucerne Hay
This mancozeb collection includes Searles Mancozeb Fungicide 200g, effective against black spot on roses and anthracnose on mangoes; Barmac ...
Mandatory Fees
Meadow Hay
Mealworms: We have a wide range of premium mealworms for birds & chickens. Popular mealworm products include dried meal...
Medication & Supplement
Medium Additives
Metal Bird Feeder
Mice Deterrent
Mice For Sale
Millet Sprays
Misc Birds for Sale
MISC Payments
Misc Pest Control
Misc Pests Control
Mouse Bait
Mouse Cages
Mouse Poison
Mouse Traps
Mushroom Grow Kits
We are Mushroom Grow Kit specialists with 3 brands in their full range. Brands include Mushroom kit, (in the green box), Life Cykel and Litt...
Native Fertiliser
Natural Fertiliser
Neem OIl
New products
Newsletter Specials
No Mess Bird Feeder
NPK Fertiliser
Oaten Hay
Oaten Hay: We have various oaten hay for rabbits, guinea pigs, and other animals. Our best selling oaten hay bale option of...
Oaten Hay Bale
Oaten Hay Bale: We have various oaten hay products for rabbits, guinea pigs, and other animals. Our best...
Orchid Bark
Orchid Care
Orchid Fertiliser
Orchid Growing Mediums
Orchid Potting Mix
Orchid potting mixes vary based on species and growing conditions. Bark-based mixes provide excellent drainage and aeration, ideal for epiph...
Orchid Potting Soil
Orchid Sprays
Organic Chicken Feed
Organic Chicken Feed: We specialize in the Country Heritage Feeds organic poultry feed range and stock their full ran...
Organic Compost & Manure
Organic Fertiliser
Organic Fungicide
Organic Gardening
Organic Pest Control
Organic Potting Mix & Mulch
Ornamental Spray
Other Parrots for Sale
Other Planting Seeds
Other Treats
Outdoor Rabbit Hutch
Oxbow Guinea Food
Oxbow Hay
Oxbow Natural Science
Oxbow Pellets
Oxbow Rabbit Food
Oxbow Rabbit Food: We have the full range of Oxbow Hay, Timothy Hay, Oxbow Pellets, Oxbow Guinea Food and Oxbow Natural Sci...
Oxbow Supplements
Oxbow Timothy Hay
Oxbow Timothy Hay is a popular range range of rabbit & guinea pig food. The core range of timothy hay includes Oxbow Timothy Hay, Oxbow ...
Oz Pet Litter Tray
Paper Litter For Rabbits
Parrot Cage
Parrot Food
Parrot Pellets
Parrot Seed
Parrot Seed: A huge range of Australian premium parrot seed. Includes seeds for small parrots, large parrots, budgies...
Parrot Stand
Parrots For Sale
Passwell Lorikeet Food
Passwell Complete Lorikeet Food is a top selling lorikeet feed available in 500 gram, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg sizes. A granular powder th...
Passwell Parrot Pellets
Passwell Soft Food/Crumbles
Path Weeder
Peaked Dog Kennels
Pebbles & Gravel
Perlite is a versatile, lightweight volcanic glass used in horticulture to improve soil drainage and aeration. It enhances root growth in pl...
Pest Control
Pest Control: We have an wide range of pest control supplies. Some popular collections include Cockroach Killer &...
Pest Oil
Pet Specials!
Pet Supplies - Featured
Pet Water Fountains
Pigeon Supplies: We are pigeon food & pigeon care product specialists. Popular collections include pigeon feed, pigeon ...
Pigeon Accessories
Pigeon Feed
Pigeon Food
Pigeon Medication
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can you suggest how I can treat my pigeon for Rickets?
A. Acco...
Pigeon Pellets
Pigeon Racing Feed
Pigeon Seed
Pigeon Seed & Grain
Pigeon Supplements
Pigeon Vitamins
Pine Bark Mulch
Pine Cat Litter
Plant Rooting & Cutting
Plant Tonics
Planting Seeds
Plastic Dog Kennels
Portable / Soft Kennels
Frequently Asked Questions?
Q. Are these Bono Fido Soft Kennels approved for flights or meet IATA approved standards?
Possum & Fox Control
Possum Deterrent
Potash Fertilizer
Pots, Punnets
Potting Mix
Potting Mix. We have a wide range of quality potting mix and soil. Popular brands include Martins, Plantcare, Greenlife, AN...
Potting Mix & Mulch
Poultry For Sale Sydney
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Is there any age restrictions for buying poultry at your store?
Poultry Supplies
Prime100 Fresh Meat for Cats
Probiotic For Pigeons
Pumice: We offer a range of pumice products ideal for horticulture and hydroponics. This collection includes natural pumice...
Puppy Care
Puppy Food
Pyrethrum Spray
QLD Blue Couch Seed
Queensland Blue Couch Seed from 100g to 20kg packs. Is a popular lawn seed that provides a lush, soft blue-green couch which mows to a beaut...
Quails For Sale
Rabbit & Guinea Books
Rabbit & Guinea Hygiene
Rabbit & Guinea Medication
Rabbit & Guinea Misc
Frequently Asked Questions?
Q. We are looking to purchase a pet carrier large enough to transport 3 rabbits to and from the...
Rabbit & Guinea Products
Rabbit Accessories
Rabbit Bedding
Rabbit Drinking Bottle
Rabbit Feeder
Rabbit Food
Rabbit Food: We have an extensive range of Rabbit Food. Popular food for bunnies include rabbit pellets, rabbit treats, oxb...
Rabbit Hole Hay
Rabbit Hole Hay is new to Australia and uniquely offers 3 different grades of timothy hay including Soft, Medium & Coarse. Orchard Grass...
Rabbit Hole Orchard Grass
Rabbit Hole Timothy Hay
Rabbit Hole Timothy Pellets
Rabbit Hutch Stand
Rabbit Hutches
Rabbit Hutches: We have a wide range premium bunny rabbit hutches & cages. Popular collections include indoor & out...
Rabbit Mix
Rabbit Pellets
Rabbit Pen
Rabbit Supplies
Rabbit Supplies and small animal: Popular collections include Rabbit Hutches, Bunny Cages, Rabbit Food, Oxbow Hay, Timothy ...
Rabbit Treats
Rabbit Water Bottle & Feeder
Rabbits For Sale
Rainbow Lorikeet Food
Rat & Mice Products
Rat & Mouse Food
Rat & Small Animal Cages
Rat & Small Animal Cages: We have an extensive range of Rat Cages, Mouse Cage and Ferret Cages.
Rat Bait
Rat Cages
Rat Cages: Our Rat cages offer exception value for money. They include multiple ramps and platforms making them ideal for k...
Rat Poison
Rat Traps
Regular Fish for Sale
Reptile & Lizard Food
Reptile Clearance
Reptile Enclosures
Reptile Food
Reptile Frozen Food
Reptile Heating
Reptile Lighting
Reptile Live Food
Reptile Supplies
Richgro Bug Killa
Rodent Control
Rose Fertiliser
Rose Spray
Rosellas for Sale
Runs & Pens
Saltwater Fish for Sale
Searles Conguard
Seasol Fertiliser
Seaweed Fertiliser
Seed Raising Mix
Shampoo & Grooming
Sheep Manure
Sheep manure is a nutrient-rich, natural fertilizer perfect for enriching garden soil. At Enfield Produce, our...
Shell Grit
Sheps Lorikeet Food
Skin & Oral Care
Slow Release Fertiliser
Small Animal Food
Small Animal Supplies
Small Animals For Sale
Small Bird Cage
Small Breed
Snail Bait
Snail Bait: We have an extensive range of snail bait, pellets, traps & repellents. We also have some "pet friendly" sna...
Snail Pellets
Snail Repellent
Snail Traps
Soda Ash
Sodium Bicarb For Pools
Sodium bicarbonate is essential for maintaining Australian pools, helping regulate total alkalinity (TA) and stabilizing pH...
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate has many uses, including balancing pool alkalinity, cleaning surfaces, deodorizing spaces, and whitening teeth. It’s a le...
Soft Kennels / Crates
Soil Improver
Special Discounts & Promo Codes
Black Friday Promotion Monday 25th to Friday 29th of NOV.
Use Promo Code BANNER15 for 15% OFF.
Special Requirements
Splosht Natural Water Treatment:
Spraying For Fleas
Spraying For Mites
Spring Lines
Stockfeed & Hay
Straw Bales
Straw Bales for Sale at our Sydney Store or home delivery. Straw Bales are popular as props at themed parties or as a sendiment control on b...
Straw Hay
Straw Mulch
Succulent Potting Mix
Sugar Cane Mulch
Suggested Products
Sulphur Powder
Sunflower Seed
Supercoat Cat
Systemic Fungicide
Tea Tree Mulch
Thiram Fungicide
Timothy Hay
Timothy Hay. We are Timothy Hay For Rabbits & Guinea Pig specialists with a great range and prices. Our most popular pr...
Tomato Dust
Treat For Chickens
Treat For Chickens for Sale including Dried Mealworms, Calgrit, Crickets, Seaweed Meal, Live Mealworms like Super Worms, Mini Mealies, Linse...
Trellis & Stakes
Troforte Fertiliser
Troforte Fertiliser: We keep the complete range of Troforte Garden Fertiliser in 3.5kg &, 10kg buckets and 20kg bags. T...
Tropical Fish for Sale
Frequently Asked Questions?
Q. What tropical fish do you usually stock?
A. Here is a general list of the tr...
Turtle Food
Turtle Supplies
Unique New Arrivals!
Urea Fertiliser
Value Packs & Can Food
Value Packs & Misc Food
Vegan Dog Food
Vegan Dog Food: We have 2 main brands of vegan dog food. Biopet Vegan and Cezar's Choice Vegan Food. Biopet has been popula...
Vegetable Seedlings
Vegie Care General
Vella Chicken Feed
Vermiculite is a versatile mineral used in various industries. In gardening, it improves soil aeration and moisture retenti...
Vetafarm Lorikeet Food
Vetafarm Parrot Pellets
Vetafarm Soft Food/Crumbles
Weed and Feed
Weed Killer
Weed Killer for Sale including Roundup, Glyphosate, Path Weeder and Tree & Blackberry Killer, Organic Weedkiller, Blackberry, Organic We...
Welded Bird Wire Mesh
Welded Mesh 30m Rolls
Welded Mesh 5m Rolls
Wet / Cans / Treats
Wheat Grass Seed
White Oil
Wild Bird Food
Wild Bird Seed
Wildlife Feed
Winter Grass Killer
Wire Mesh
Wombaroo Lorikeet Food
Wood Chips
Wood Litter Sieve Litter Trays
Wood Pellet Cat Litter
Wood Shavings
Worm Farms
Worm farms: We have the complete range of Tumbleweed Worm Farms by Reln. These are ideal for using with compost worms to tu...
Yates Herb Seeds
Yates Seeds
Zeolite: Horticultural zeolite (Organic) is best selling zeolite and is ideal for most gardening situations.