Pest Control
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Pest Control: We have an wide range of pest control supplies. Some popular collections include Cockroach Killer & Cockroach Gel & German Cockroach, Ant Pest Control, Flea, Mite & Lice Control, Rat Poison, Mouse Bait, Rat & Mouse Traps, Fly Killer & Fly Traps, Possum Traps & Diatomaceous Earth which provides a more natural and organic pest control option.
Frequently Asked Questions?
Q : I am seeking a product to eradicate the fleas in our yard, can you suggest a product for this?
A. For most non-plant surfaces in the backyard most of our cockroach sprays also do fleas, Click here
We have also heard from customers that Diatomaceous Earth on the lawn and plants is also quite good, however the product is not registered for that use. Click Here.
Disclaimer: Please do not consider any information on this page or website as expert advice. Always seek expert advice before using any of our products or caring for any pets or plants. Always read and follow all instructions on the products label ahead of any other source of information, even ahead of information on this page that may errors.