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Mealworms: We have a wide range of premium mealworms for birds & chickens. Popular mealworm products include dried mealworms, live mealworms, giant mealworms, and mealworms for hens. We specialize in Pisces mealworms and their mini mealies offering is an especially good choice for birds. Dried Mealworms is a great value option with easy shipping relative to live mealworms that cannot be shipped to all locations.
Mealworm Care Guide:
Pisces Enterprises Mealworms and Superworms (Tenebrio molitor) are a convenient and nutritious food source for reptiles, birds, and other insectivorous pets. With proper care, mealworms can thrive and provide a steady supply of live food for your scaly and feathery friends.
Store your mealworms in their provided tub in the fridge. They will be happy in there for several weeks, provided they are given fresh bran every 2-3 weeks.
Remove uneaten carrot and dead mealworms regularly to avoid mold and bacterial growth.
Provide fresh carrot as needed to provide mealworms with a water source.
Handle mealworms gently to avoid injuring them.
Mealworms are sensitive to extreme temperature changes. Let them come to ambient/room temperature before placing them in the fridge.
It is a good idea to feed mealworms to your pets in a Komodo Smart Dish, or something similar with steep polished sides to prevent them escaping into the enclosure to pupate. Alternatively, use feeding tongs to feed one at a time.