Lorikeet Food

Lorikeet Food

Lorikeet Food: A wide range of premium feeds for rainbow lorikeets and nectar eating birds. Our most popular brand is Passwell Lorikeet Food available in 500g to 20kg sizes. Suggestions in this range include Lori Cuisine with premium and novel ingredients and Avigrain Economy Dry 20kg is an excellent bulk option offering exceptional value. Other brands available include Wombaroo, Cezar's Choice, Avione, Elliott's, Sheps & Vetafarm.



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Showing 1-20 of 20 Results

What to feed lorikeets ? Find the right rainbow lorikeet food.

About Lorikeet Diets :
In the wild, flowering plants provide lorikeets with most of their nutrition. Energy is obtained from nectar and fruit, while pollen and insects supply protein and other essential nutrients. The Protein requirement for lorikeets is lower than that of other parrots, partly because the protein in pollen and insects is high in essential amino acids.

The lorikeet’s digestive system is adapted for quick passage of their liquid diet, resulting in “squirty” droppings. Nectar contains mostly simple sugars (eg sucrose) and is readily absorbed in the gut. Foods packed with complex carbohydrates (eg the starch in seed and pellets) are not suitable in large quantities because they bind-up the digestive tract. Commercially produced pollen powder also has a low digestibility and offers little nutritional benefit.

Many commercially available lorikeet foods contain a lot of high-starch “fillers” and lack adequate levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. Home-made recipes can be just as nutritionally incomplete.

Cage birds tend to over-eat and become obese when offered an unlimited supply of food. It is a healthier practice to establish your birds’ daily food requirement and feed that amount.

Benefits of Passwell Complete Lorikeet :

• Excellent Nutrition : Prepared from ingredients high in essential amino acids with added vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (omega 3&6).

• Improved Health : Calorie-controlled feed guidelines help weight control. Balanced protein content maintains good feather and body condition. Moderate iron & vitamin A levels reduce the risk of excessive iron uptake.

• EconomicalOptimum nutrient levels means that birds consume less than “cheap” products.

Using Complete Lorikeet :

• Feed dry (recommended), or mix with warm water to a desired consistency.

• Remove soiled or uneaten food daily and replace with fresh food.

• Ensure that fresh water is always available.

• Cage birds are prone to over-eating, so feed. according to guidelines on pack.

• Offer a variety of fruit and as much native blossom as possible.