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- Mancozeb
This mancozeb collection includes Searles Mancozeb Fungicide 200g, effective against black spot on roses and anthracnose on mangoes; Barmac Mancozeb DG 2kg, a dry flowable preventative fungicide; Searles Mancozeb Plus Fungicide 200g, targeting various fungal diseases on fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and lawns; David Grays Mancozeb Broad Spectrum Fungicide 125g, suitable for lawns, fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants; and Richgro Mancozeb Plus Sulphur Fungicide 150g, containing sulfur for effective control of fungal diseases in apples, vegetables, flowers, including roses, and turf.
Mancozeb is a broad-spectrum, contact fungicide used to control various fungal diseases in plants. It belongs to the dithiocarbamate group and is commonly used on crops, ornamentals, and turf. Below is a general guide on its use for different plant types:
1. Vegetables
Tomatoes & Potatoes: Controls early and late blight.
Onions & Garlic: Effective against downy mildew and purple blotch.
Cucurbits (Cucumber, Pumpkin, Melons, Squash): Used for downy mildew and anthracnose.
Carrots: Helps control leaf blight and powdery mildew.
2. Fruits
Grapes: Used against downy mildew, black rot, and anthracnose.
Apples & Pears: Effective for apple scab and leaf spot.
Bananas: Controls sigatoka disease.
Citrus (Oranges, Lemons, Limes): Used to prevent fungal leaf spots.
3. Ornamentals & Flowers
Roses: Helps prevent black spot and rust.
Chrysanthemums & Lilies: Controls leaf spot and rust diseases.
4. Field Crops
Wheat & Barley: Protects against rust and leaf spot diseases.
Rice: Effective for blast and brown spot.
5. Turf & Lawns
Used to prevent and treat fungal diseases like dollar spot, brown patch, and rust.
Application Guidelines
Apply Mancozeb as a foliar spray, ensuring thorough coverage.
Use at recommended doses (typically 1.5–2.5 grams per liter of water, but check product labels).
Avoid applying during flowering to prevent any potential impact on pollinators.
Follow the pre-harvest interval (PHI), which varies per crop (e.g., 7–14 days for most vegetables, 21 days for grapes).
Do not mix with alkaline substances like lime or Bordeaux mixture.
Use protective gear when handling Mancozeb.
Avoid spraying during high temperatures or before rain to prevent wash-off.
Rotate fungicides to prevent resistance buildup.