David Grays Tomato Dust 3 In 1 (500g)


David Grays Tomato Dust 3 In 1 (500g)

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TOMATO DUST 3 In 1 (500g) 

• 3 in 1 tomato dust

• Controls leaf spots, caterpillars & other insect pest diseases on tomatoes

• 3-day withholding picking period

Active Constituents:
400g/kg Sulphur (S) present as elemental sulphur.
40g/kg Copper (Cu) present as Copper Oxychloride.
0.5/kg Spinosad.

How To Use:
DO NOT apply when soil is dry and plants are suffering from moisture stress.
DO NOT apply in windy conditions or when temperatures are above 30"C
DO NOT pick tomatoes for 3 days after dusting

Pest Diseases How to Apply
Tomato Grub (Heliothis caterpillar), potato moth, (tomato leaf miner) Tomato mite and other mites  Early blight (target spot), late blight, septoria leaf spot.   Dust Seedling approximately 7 days after transplanting and repeat at 7-10 day intervals Apply uniformly to foliage including underside of leaves Dust when the air is still, preferably in the evening or early morning apply more frequently during rainy weather. Avoid excessive application to seeding tomatoes.


Avoid contact of the product with hands, skin, eyes and avoid breathing dust. Do not allow the product to enter the mouth. Wash hands, face, arms and any other exposed parts of the body immediately after use and before eating, drinking, smoking or going to the toilet. Avoid contact with food or food utensils. STORAGE: Store product in original container only in a locked, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight and out of the reach of children. Keep away from foodstuffs.

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