Metarex Snail & Slug Bait


Metarex Snail & Slug Bait

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Metarex Snail & Slug Bait.

Long-lasting, pasta-based, all-weather slug and snail bait that provides fast, consistent control even under wet and difficult conditions. 

Active ingredient 50 g/kg METALDEHYDE


  • Superior efficacy.
  • Lasts longer.
  • Highly attractive.
  • Highly palatable.
  • Excellent ballistics.
  • Mould resistant.
  • Flexible application.
  • Better plant establishment.
  • Specific mode of action & safety.
  • Economical.

Disclaimer: Only the 10kg sold in the original packaging. The rest are provided in a clear bag.

Metarex® All-Weather Slug & Snail Bait Metarex® All-Weather Slug and Snail Bait was originally developed for European conditions, and performs long after inferior products have collapsed. Metarex remains attractive and effective even in wet conditions to reduce the need to re-apply baits following rainfall or irrigation. This means lower costs of application and more cost-effective control of slugs and snails. Metarex has received a strong following in the Australian market after many years of controlling slugs and snails. Many growers have discovered how effective the results are from monitoring the slug or snail population and baiting with the appropriate rate based on pest numbers and crop timing. In the case of slugs, knowing the population prior to sowing is essential and can be achieved through a monitoring program. If slugs are coming from within the soil profile, Metarex can be sown in the drill row, either mixed with the seed or through a small granule box at seeding. A broadcast (surface) application of Metarex will provide optimum control of surface slug populations before or after sowing. With a range of rates registered, Metarex should be used at the higher level when slug populations are high.

Snails: Snails have become significant pests of crops and pastures as agricultural practices focus more on soil conservation. Reduced tillage combined with the retention of pasture and crop residues (stubble) enables greater snail survival within agricultural systems. Native to the Mediterranean region of Europe, there are four main snail species that have become established and now cause a variety of problems across southern Australia. Snails can reduce crop yield by feeding directly on seedlings, buds, leaves and fruit. They can also be responsible for financial loss due to contamination of produce such as export citrus, table and wine grapes, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Slugs: Slugs are a serious pest of many crops, particularly during the critical establishment phase. They can kill seeds by eating the plant tissue essential for germination, even if the whole seed is not consumed. Similarly, slugs can eat out the growing points of young seedlings leading to plant death. The damage caused by slugs is often underestimated because they are mostly active at night. Damage symptoms can be consistent with other pest damage, or blamed on poor germination when the damage occurs underground and out of sight. Signs of slug damage can include poor emergence, plants eaten down to ground level or irregular areas eaten from leaves. Slugs prefer soils with some clay content and do not fare as well in fine, light or compacted soils. As is the case with snails, slugs are becoming more of a problem under minimum tillage, with soil stubble retention and increased soil organic matter providing ideal conditions for their survival. All pest slugs in Australia have been introduced from overseas, with the two main species being Deroceras reticulatum and Milax gagates.

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