Zeolife Health Plus Superfine Natural Zeolite


Zeolife Health Plus Superfine Natural Zeolite

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Volco Minerals Zeolife Health Plus Superfine Natural Zeolite (Human Grade)

We are surrounded by environmental toxins. Heavy metals and airborne chemicals along with pesticides and herbicides all have large health implications for us. The toxin levels within our bodies is one of the main factors behind increasing rates of cancers, heart and kidney disease, diabetes and much more. The body will try to deposit these compounds into the tissue to minimize their potential damage. For example, lead may be sequestered into bone, displacing calcium and increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Main Features:

  • Removes heavy metals.
  • Removes toxins.
  • 100% safe and nontoxic.
  • Helps balance the body's PH.
  • Supports a healthy gut.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Zeolife Health Plus is our latest Zeolite product in the Volco Minerals range. Zeolife Health Plus is a super fine and highly efficient health supplement produced from natural Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) as its basic component. Our mineral is micronized to below 5 Micron through Tribomechanical activation and is negatively charged during this process. Our method of micronization enables Zeolife Health Plus to not only pass through the digestive tract, but to be absorbed into the bloodstream and therefore the whole body and its vital organs.

Zeolife Health Plus can be used daily for the whole family as a natural, biological regulator for health protection and a healthy lifestyle.
The benefits of using Zeolite as a dietary supplement have been studied for many years, but it’s only very recently, through advances in micronization technology, that Zeolite's true potential has been realized.

Research shows, that adding Zeolife to the diet can greatly improve health and wellbeing.
Adding Zeolife Health Plus to food or water at a rate of about 1/3 teaspoon 2-3 times per day has many positive effects ranging from but not exclusive to gastronomical and metabolic improvements, immune system stimulation, disease prevention and natural detoxification. It can even increase fertility and is safe to be used during pregnancies.
Due to its super fine particle size Zeolife Health Plus has an increased active surface area and therefore
an increased absorption capacity.

Another benefit of using Zeolife Health Plus is that it helps balance the body’s pH levels to healthy alkalinity. Whenever micronized zeolite is introduced to the body, it buffers the system towards slightly alkaline (pH 7.35 to 7.45), which is the optimum pH for the human body. Zeolite attracts and then buffers excess protons which cause acidity and in this way can help many conditions from acid reflux to candida and arthritis. Cancers, parasites and viruses also do not thrive in an alkaline state of the body, they much prefer an acidic environment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Hi. Want to purchase this product but the powder is not visible. It should be white in colour. And from my research it does not enter the blood and it should only go through the gut. Could you please confirm that it is the same as Zeo Health product. I use to get it from US but it would be great if I can get it from you. Many thanks.

A. 3 part answer from the manufacturer below.

Q. It should be white in colour.

There are hundreds of Zeolite deposits around the world, colour depends on the minerals found in and around the deposit.

The chemical content however is still Clinoptilolite (no matter what colour) as this is the only Zeolite which is consumable.

European Zeolite is ivory white (my Zeolite), Australian Zeolite is red, Chinese Zeolite is green, colour has very little to say and does not matter.

Q. From my research it does not enter the blood and it should only go through the gut.

This depends on the micronized (milled) size of the Zeolite, if the particles are large, they will not enter the blood stream, that is correct.

If the particles are fine, they will. My Zeolite is designed to enter the bloodstream as this will cleanse organs and tissue as well, not just absorb ammonia out of the gut.

I can supply coarse Zeolite which will not enter the bloodstream, in my opinion that is missing the point of this detox application completely.

Q, Could you please confirm that it is the same as Zeo Health product.

Yes and no.

Zeo health is clinoptilolite, just like my Zeolite, however from which deposit this Zeo health comes from and how fine it is milled I do not know.

Fact is my Zeolite comes from the cleanest known ore body in the world and I micronize to a size very few companies do.

If anything, the product is better, but without knowing a chemical analysis, the exact Clinoptilolite content and a size analysis, there is no clear answer I can give.

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