Yates Tomato Seeds


Yates Tomato Seeds

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Tomato seed Variety Description:

Big Beef - Award winning hybrid variety. Large and juicy with old-fashioned beefsteak flavour. Long season, heavy yields, superior disease resistance. Excellent slicing tomato for sandwiches and burgers.

Grosse Lisse - Large, robust red fruits. A very popular heavy yielding variety. Tasty, tall growing and vigorous.

Patio - Excellent variety for containers and small gardens. Produces 85g-115g round fruit on compact plants that don’t require staking.

Roma - Deep red, pear-shaped fruit. Ideal for salads, bottling, soups and sauces. The perfect tomato for sun drying.

Sweet Bite - This prolific cherry tomato can produce 100 or more fruit on each plant. Smaller than normal cherry tomatoes, fruit is produced in clusters on long branches.

Tiny Tim - Cherry tomato Tiny Tim produces heavy crops of sweet, cherry-sized fruit on dwarf bushes. Ideal to grow in rockeries, pots, troughs and window boxes. They are wonderful served whole in salads.

Tommy Toe - Excellent tasting apricot sized bright red fruit. Great salad variety. Must be staked.

Small Heirloom Seed Packets

Yellow Pear - 

Tomato Mix - 


Tomato 'Big Beef.'

Award winning hybrid variety. Large and juicy with old-fashioned beefsteak flavour. Long season, heavy yields, superior disease resistance. Excellent slicing tomato for sandwiches and burgers.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: Raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Transplant when 5-7cm high.

Care: Plant in a sunny well-drained position. Prepare soil before planting with Thrive Granular All Purpose Fertiliser. Feed with Yates Lush Tomato Food. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

Planting Guide:

Sun Position: Full Sun, Sow Depth: 6mm, Germination: 6-12 Days, Plant Space: 50 cm, Row Space: 60cm, Maturity: 10-14 Weeks

Tomato 'Grosse Lisse.'

Large, robust red fruits. A very popular heavy yielding variety. Tasty, tall growing and vigorous.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: For best results raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Transplant when 5-7cm high.

Care: Choose a well-drained, sunny position. Add Thrive Granular All Purpose Fertiliser. When first fruit appears apply Yates Lush Tomato Food around each plant and water. Plants require staking. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

Planting Guide:

Sun Position: Full Sun, Sow Depth: 6mm, Germination: 6-12 , Plant Space: 50cm, Row Space: 60cm, Maturity: 12-14Weeks

Tomato Patio

Excellent variety for containers and small gardens. Produces 85g-115g round fruit on compact plants that don’t require staking.


  •          Quick harvest
  •          Ideal for small spaces
  •          Rich flavour

Sow: Sow directs in warm conditions or raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Transplant when 5cm high.

Care: Choose a well drained sunny position. Prepare the soil by adding Yates Blood & Bone or Dynamic Lifter. When first flowers appear, begin applying Thrive Flower & Fruit regularly. Protect from pests and diseases with Yates Tomato Dust and control snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem.

Hint: Great companion plant for basil, broccoli, carrots, celery, onions, marigolds, marjoram, parsley & parsnip. Fruit contains health promoting lycopene.

Planting Guide:

Sun Position: Full Sun, Sow Depth: 6mm, Germination: 5-7 , Plant Space: 75-100cm, Row Space: 60cm, Maturity: 12-14Weeks

Tomato 'Roma.'

Deep red, pear-shaped fruit. Ideal for salads, bottling, soups and sauces. The perfect tomato for sun drying.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: For best results raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Transplant when 5-7cm high.

Care: Choose a well-drained sunny position. Work in Thrive Granular All Purpose Fertiliser. When first flowers appear to apply Yates Lush Tomato Food to each plant. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

Planting Guide:

Sun Position: Full Sun, Sow Depth: 6mm, Germination: 10-14 , Plant Space: 75-100cm, Row Space: 50-60cm, Maturity: 11 Weeks

Tomato Sweet Bite

This prolific cherry tomato can produce 100 or more fruit on each plant. Smaller than normal cherry tomatoes, fruit is produced in clusters on long branches.


  •         Sweet, bite-sized lumps
  •         Easy to grow
  •         Great for kids

Sow: Sow directs in warm conditions or raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Transplant when 5cm high.

Care: Choose a well drained sunny position. Prepare soil by adding Yates Blood & Bone or Dynamic Lifter. When first flowers appear begin applying Thrive Flower & Fruit regularly. Protect from pests and diseases with Yates Tomato Dust and control snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem.

Hint: Great companion plant for basil, broccoli, carrots, celery, onions, marigolds, marjoram, parsley & parsnip. Fruit contains health promoting lycopene. The plant must be staked.

Planting Guide:

Sun Position: Full Sun, Sow Depth: 6mm, Germination: 5-7 , Plant Space: 75-100cm, Row Space: 60cm, Maturity: 10 Weeks

Tomato 'Tiny Tim.'

Cherry tomato Tiny Tim produces heavy crops of sweet, cherry-sized fruit on dwarf bushes. Ideal to grow in rockeries, pots, troughs and window boxes. They are wonderful served whole in salads.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: In trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Transplant when about 5cm high.

Care: Plant in a sunny, well-drained position and apply Thrive Granular All Purpose Fertiliser for best results. Once flowering commences applying Yates Lush Tomato Food every 4-5 weeks for maximum yield. Water well in hot weather, especially if in containers. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

Planting Guide:

Sun Position: Full Sun, Sow Depth: 3mm, Germination: 10-14 , Plant Space: 30-40cm, Row Space: 30-40cm, Maturity: 12 Weeks


Tomato Tommy Toe

Excellent tasting apricot sized bright red fruit. Great salad variety. Must be staked.


  •          Renowned flavour
  •          Medium sized fruit
  •          Ideal for salads

Sow: Sow directs in warm conditions or raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Transplant when 5cm high.

Care: Choose a well drained sunny position. Prepare soil by adding Yates Blood & Bone or Dynamic Lifter. When first flowers appear begin applying Thrive Flower & Fruit regularly. Protect from pests and diseases with Yates Tomato Dust and control snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem.

Hint: Great companion plant for basil, broccoli, carrots, celery, onions, marigolds, marjoram, parsley & parsnip. Fruit contains health promoting lycopene.

Planting Guide:

Sun Position: Full Sun, Sow Depth: 6mm, Germination: 5-7 Days , Plant Space: 75-100cm, Row Space: 60cm, Maturity: 10 Weeks

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