Yates Herb Seeds (All Year Round)


Yates Herb Seeds (All Year Round)

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Herb Seed Selection:

Chives - A versatile tasty herb. Can be used as garnish or flavouring in a variety of dishes.

Garlic Chives- Provides a mild, characteristic garlic taste.

Coriander - Yates Coriander is a 'slow-bolt' variety that's less likely to quickly rush to flower and seed.

Cress Salad Curled- A prolific and refreshing herb, tasty in salads or sandwiches.

Mint Mix - Not WA- A mixture of Spearmint, Curled Mint and Peppermint, each bringing a subtle and unique flavour to any meat or cooked vegetable dish.

Peppermint - Not WA - Easy-to-grow leafy plant. Harvest and steep leaves to make a soothing tea. Natural antiseptic.

Spearmint - Not WA Lush green leaves rich in a distinctively fragrant oil.

Oregano- Oregano has a sweet aromatic flavour.

Parsley Curled- A decorative dark green plant rich in vitamins and iron.

Parsley Italian Plain Leaf - An upright variety with coarser, wider leaves than the curled type. The strong flavour makes this variety excellent for cooking.

Rocket Large Leaf- A rapid grower with peppery-tasting leaves that will add zest to your salads.

Rocket Wild - Not SA- Wild Rocket has deep green, very serrated leaves that have a stronger flavour than standard Rocket.

Sage - A perennial plant with aromatic leaves. Grow as a border around vegetables to attract bees and repel insect pests.

Thyme - Thyme is a most attractive ground cover and a very versatile culinary delight.


A versatile tasty herb. Can be used as garnish or flavouring in a variety of dishes, including salads, omelettes, soups and sandwiches. Beautiful in the garden when in flower, delightful in the salad anytime!

Position: Sun or part shade.

Sow: Sow direct where required. Cover with Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist.

Care: Grow in sun or semi-shade. Enrich with Thrive Granular All Purpose at planting. Ideal grown in pots. Continuous harvest promotes new growth. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

Garlic Chives:

Provides a mild, characteristic garlic taste. Excellent with fish, poultry, eggs and in savoury sauces. When using in cooked food, add during last 5 to 10 minutes to retain flavour.

Position: Sun or part shade.

Sow: Direct where they are to grow. Cover lightly with Yates Seed Raising Mix, firm down and keep moist.

Care: Grow in a sunny or semi-shaded position. Add Thrive Granular All Purpose Fertiliser for best results. Ideal for pots. Continuous harvest will promote new growth. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.


Was used in the middle ages as an aphrodisiac. Now it is widely used for culinary purposes with leaves in salads and sauces, and seeds added to soups or pies and even cakes.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: Direct in garden position. Cover with Yates Seed Raising Mix, firm down and keep moist.

Care: Grow in full sun. Pick leaves at any time for flavouring. Apply Yates Thrive Soluble Fertiliser regularly to increase foliage. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem. When seeds begin to brown, cut stem and place upside down in paper bag. The seeds can be dried and kept whole or infused to make Coriander Vinegar.

Cress Salad Curled:

A prolific and refreshing herb. Its vivid green curls are ideal for garnishing. Easily grown in window boxes or pots. Tasty in salads or on sandwiches.

Position: Part shade.

Sow: Best grown in pots of Yates Seed Raising Mix.

Care: Use containers with drainage holes. Keep moist. If grown in open garden select shady place. Rotate container to ensure straight even growth. Use Yates Thrive Soluble Fertiliser weekly. Cut leaves at base when 10cm high. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

Mint Mix: 

A mixture of Spearmint, Curled Mint and Peppermint, each bringing a subtle and unique flavour to any meat or cooked vegetable dish.

Position: Part shade.

Sow: All mints will spread vigorously. Sow in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix and transplant when 5-6cm tall.

Care: All mints need moist, shady conditions. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem. Hints: Peppermint is superb when finely chopped and added to salads and cold meats. Curled Mint dresses up cooked vegetables. Try Spearmint in soups, salads or drinks. It’s very healthy too, breaking down rich foods.

Medicinal Peppermint:

Easy-to-grow leafy plant. Harvest and steep leaves to make a soothing tea. Natural antiseptic.

Position: Best in part shade.

Sow: Sow by pressing seeds into top of pots of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Keep moist. Transplant when 5-6cm tall.

Care: Best grown in moist soil in semi shade. Incorporate compost, Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food or blood and bone into the soil before planting. Water regularly with Thrive Soluble Plant Food or Dynamic Litter Fish Emulsion. In cold areas will die down in winter. Use: Make a tea by pouring boiling water over shredded leaves. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain and cool. Aids digestion and relieves head cold symptoms.



  • Perennial
  • Medicinal and culinary
  • Unique fragrance

Sow: Sow in pots or trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix and transplant when 5-6cm tall.

Care: All mints need moist conditions. Apply Yates Thrive Soluble Plant Food at regular intervals. Protect plants from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem. Planting in pots will contain its vigorous growth. Cut back regularly to ensure consistent supply.

Hint: Great companion plant for cabbage and tomatoes. Spearmint adds flavour to cool drinks and salads. Aids digestion.


Ancient Egypt’s great healing herb. Oregano has a sweet aromatic flavour. Its slightly bitter overtone makes it an ideal herb in Italian and Spanish-style dishes.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: Direct. Cover with fine soil or Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Later thin to 50cm apart.

Care: Choose a sunny, well-drained position. Keep well watered and free from weeds. Ideal for planting in tubs or large pots. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem. Hint: Meat loaves, sauces, stews and stuffings will benefit from a touch of oregano.

Parsley Curled:

A decorative dark green plant. Compact and vigorous. Rich in Vitamins and Iron. Ideal for garnishes and flavouring. Nature’s own breath sweetener, sprigs of parsley eaten fresh will mask even garlic.

Position: Sun or Part Shade

Sow: Raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix or sow direct into garden position. Cover seed with mix. Firm down and keep moist.

Care: Best grown in full sun to sem-shade. Add Yates Thrive Granular Complete Plant Food for best results. Keep well watered and apply Yates Thrive Soluble fertiliser regularly. Break off flowering stems. Will grow well in pots. Protect from snail with Yates Blitzem.

Parsley Curled:

A decorative dark green plant. Compact and vigorous. Rich in Vitamins and Iron. Ideal for garnishes and flavouring. Nature’s own breath sweetener, sprigs of parsley eaten fresh will mask even garlic.

Position: Sun or Part Shade

Sow: Raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix or sow direct into garden position. Cover seed with mix. Firm down and keep moist.

Care: Best grown in full sun to semi-shade. Add Yates Thrive Granular Complete Plant Food for best results. Keep well watered and apply Yates Thrive Soluble fertiliser regularly. Break off flowering stems. Will grow well in pots. Protect from snail with Yates Blitzem.

Parsley Italian Plain Leaf:

An upright variety with coarser, wider leaves than the curled type. The strong flavour makes this variety excellent for cooking.

Position: Sun or part shade.

Sow: Raise in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix or sow direct into garden position. Press seeds into Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist.

Care: Best grown in full sun to semi-shade. Add Thrive Granular All Purpose Fertiliser for best results. Keep well watered and apply Yates Thrive Soluble Fertiliser regularly. Break off flowering stems. Will grow well in pots. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

Rocket Large Leaf:

A rapid grower, as the name implies, with peppery-tasting leaves that will add zest to your salads. Harvest regularly, while tender, for best flavour.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: Direct where they are to grow. Cover lightly with Yates Seed Raising Mix, press down and keep moist.

Care: Choose a sunny, well-drained position prepared with Thrive Granular All Purpose Fertiliser prior to sowing. For best flavour and a good crop, this herb must be encouaged to grow quickly. Apply Yates Thrive Soluble Fertiliser at weekly intervals. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

Rocket Wild:

Wild Rocket has deep green, very serrated leaves that have a stronger flavour than standard Rocket. Pick young leaves regularly to promote fresh growth. Ideal for salads or garnish. Hardy and drought tolerant once established.

Position: Sun or part shade.

Sow: Sow directly where they are to grow. Cover lightly, press down and keep moist.

Care: Grow in sun or part-shade in a well drained position. Enrich soil with compost and organic fertiliser (such as Yates Blood & Bone or Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food) before planting. Apply Yates Thrive Soluble Plant Food at weekly intervals. Protect plants from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem Snail & Slug Pellets.

Hint: Wild Rocket is a tasty and interesting addition to mixed salads. Remove flowers to prevent plants spreading by seed.


Perennial plant with aromatic leaves. Grow as a border around vegetables to attract bees and repel insect pests.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: Sow direct into a sunny, well-drained garden bed or in pots of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Press seeds into the surface and keep moist.

Care: Best grown in full sun. Incorporate compost, Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food and Yates Garden Lime or Dolomite Lime into the soil before planting. Feed regularly with Thrive Soluble Plant Food or Dynamic Litter Fish Emulsion. Grow with: Beans, beets, carrot, peas, strawberry and cabbage family.


The herb of courage and elegance. Thyme is a most attractive ground cover and a very versatile culinary delight.

Position: Full sun.

Sow: Direct. Cover with Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down and keep moist. Thin out to 25cm apart.

Care: Choose a sunny, well-drained position – very suitable for pots indoors. Keep well watered. Use sparingly in stocks, stuffings, and sauces. Very good with poultry or fish cooked slowly in wine. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.

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