Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry FOURTH EDITION
Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Guineas, Game Birds.
Whether you’re running a farm or interested in keeping a few backyard birds, Storey’s Guide to Raising Poultry covers everything you need to know to successfully raise your own chickens, turkeys, waterfowl, and more. Stressing humane practices throughout, Glenn Drowns provides expert advice on breed selection, housing, feeding, behavior, breeding, health care, and processing your own meat and eggs. With tips on raising specialty species like doves, ostriches, and peafowl, you’ll be inspired to experiment with new breeds and add diversity to your poultry operation.
From the Back Cover:
A diverse flock of poultry can provide free-range meat, a rainbow of eggs, and endless entertainment---all delivered from the confines of your backyard or small farm. Glenn Drowns, an expert on rare breeds and varieties of turkeys, ducks, geese, chickens, and other birds, delivers everything you need to know to raise healthy, safe poultry.
The revised and updated fourth edition includes:
The revised and updated fourth edition includes:
- Expanded breed coverage, including heritage and rare breeds
- Complete daily care and feeding instructions
- Emphasis on providing birds with room to roam and peck
- Tips on growing your own feed
- Information on less common species---pigeons, doves, emus, ostriches, peafowl, and swans
- This text refers to the paperback edition.
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