NeemGreen Organic Garden Dust 500g


NeemGreen Organic Garden Dust 500g

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Neemgreen brings your 100% organic powdered neem seed cake in a simple to use shaker pack to optimise plant nutrition and abundant fruiting and flowering and improved plant resistance to bacterial and fungal disease. Your garden will explode with vibrant colour and luscious growth. Neem Seed Cake is also known as an insect repellant.

One of the main benefits of Neem use is the garden, compared to chemical fertilisers is that it doesn't leave my residue in the soil and is 100% biodegradable. Perfect for the environment and a dream dust for all home gardeners, horticulturists, organic farmers and commercial growers. 

Use the centuries-old power of organic neem to help grow healthy plants and promote the best possible chance to increase resistance to garden invaders. Traditional uses show that neem is non-toxic to humans, animals, birds, bees, butterflies & earthworms.

Direction for use: Dust both underside and tops of foliage with a thin film of organic Neemgreen garden dust. Repeat at 7-10 day intervals to encourage vibrant, healthy growth and improved plant resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.

Analysis: Water-soluble N 2%, Water-insoluble N 3%, Available Phosphate (P205) 1%, and Soluble Potash 1%.