Natrasol Seaweed Concentrate (High Strength)


Natrasol Seaweed Concentrate (High Strength)

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Natrasol Seaweed Concentrate For Plants (including Natives). Great Value! 1.25L makes up to 1125 Litres of solution!

Natrasol is a concentrated organic extract made from seaweed stems (Durvillaea potatorum) harvested on Tasmania's rugged West Coast. The concentrate retains all the micronutrients, alginic acid, trace elements and natural growth regulators contained in the fresh seaweed. This product will assist plants in a number of ways including stimulating root development and increasing resistance to stress in times of frost, heat and drought. Help your plants grow naturally with Natrasol Premium Quality Seaweed Concentrate.

The Natural Benefits Include:

  • NASAA Certified Organic.
  • Improve plant ability to uptake soil nutrients & trace elements.
  • Provide a natural resistance to insect and fungal attack.
  • Significantly increases frost and drought tolerance.
  • Improve fruit set and quality.
  • Promote deeper and more extensive root development.
  • 1.25L makes up to 1125 Litres of solution.

General Application Rates:

  • Vegetables: 1 L per 100 L water up to 5 L/Ha equivalent Foliar apply weekly or as required.
  • Home Garden Application: Dilute 10-20mL per 9 L watering and apply the diluted mix at a rate of 1 litre per square metre Apply fortnightly or as required.
  • Citrus & Stone Fruit: 1 L per 100 L water up to 3 L/Ha equivalent Foliar apply at bud burst- early Spring growth and prior to full bloom every 3 – 4 weeks or as required.
  • Ornamentals & Turf: 1 L per 100 L water up to 5 L/Ha equivalent Foliar apply every 2 – 4 weeks or as required.
  • Broadacre Crops: 1 – 3 L/ha in 60 – 100 L water, depending on canopy closure, apply as required.
  • Pasture: 5-8L/Ha in two applications separated by 6 weeks or 5L/Ha early Spring, late Spring, early and late Autumn.
  • Orchards, Vineyards: 5 – 8 L/Ha Apply every 2 – 4 weeks or as required.
  • Cut Flowers, Pot Plants and Bedding Plants: Foliar spray 1:1000 solution every 7-10 days.
  • Hydroponics: 1:2000–1:6000 mixed with the culture solution.
Application Rates: Shake or stir well before use. For optimum plant uptake, foliar spray early in the morning or the cool of the afternoon, when most of the nutrients and growth regulators will be taken into the sap stream within the first hour of application.
This is of particular benefit for a crop that is stressed and unable to obtain nutrients directly from the soil.
Ensure suitable spray conditions in temperature, humidity and wind speed are available prior to foliar application. Compatibility and/or performance cannot be guaranteed when combined with other products and should be jar tested for compatibility before wide-spread use.
Typical Analysis: Total Potassium (K) (as organic) 2.80%, Calcium (Ca) 0.58%, Magnesium (Mg) 0.22%, TK Nitrogen 430 mg/L, Zinc (Zn) 13 mg/L, Sulphur (S) 500 mg/L, SG 1.14. Natrasol Liquid Seaweed is a natural plant extract and may have variations in the concentration of some individual components between batches.
About Natrasol:

Natrasol for Plants contains natural trace elements in a balanced form for healthy plant growth and simple and complex sugars that increase the efficiency of foliar absorption and benefit the rhizosphere.

Plant roots secrete sugars and other compounds into the soil, where they are utilized by bacteria and fungi, providing the plant with additional nutrients as well as converting unavailable insoluble forms of nutrients into a form readily available to the plant. It also contains another group of beneficial compounds referred to as betains.

Betains are a complex group of plant growth regulators that increase chlorophyll levels and plants defence system. They also play a key role in helping plants survive under cold and wet stress conditions. Plant species that survive frosts, drought, arid and saline conditions have significantly high levels of betaines. The betain levels contained in NatroSol seaweed extract will significantly benefit plants exposed to those conditions. 

Increased Resistance To Disease:

The Phenolic Compounds and Cytokinins contained in NatraSol increase plant resistance to disease, fungal attack and that caused by sucking insect as well as stimulate greater root development. The increase in efficiency of fertiliser uptake from increased root development leads to the flow-on effects arising from a healthy plant.

The benefit of the increased post-harvest shelf life of fruit and vegetables is attributed to the cytokinins contained in NatraSol. Cycotinins stimulate cell division resulting in firmer fruit, delayed fruit drop, improved handling and keeping quality.

The increase in postharvest shelf life of leafy vegetables is linked to delayed leaf senescence, a well-established effect of cytokinins. They are also involved with shoot growth, elongation and flower and fruit seed development, contributing to increased yield of some crops by delaying the dying off process (leaf senescence) and extending the growth period.

Enhancing Flowering & Fruiting:

Auxins are a naturally occurring plant growth regulator vital to root growth and root hair development and are important to the development of flower buds and fruit. The observed increase in fruit set, and rachis stretch in grapes is thought to be due to the auxins in NatraSol and their interaction with other plant growth regulators. When plants grow, they send a root exudate into the soil around the root zone.

This exudate feeds soil bacteria, which in turn break down nutrients locked in the soil and make them available for plants, with auxins and betaines playing an important part in increasing the amount of root exudates.

Stimulates Root Growth Development And Soil Biology:

NatraSol provides a significant increase in root development in a range of plants including ornamentals, vegetables and cereals. Best results obtained are by two or more applications at between 5 and 10L per hectare. The results are more marked when the application is in the early stage of plant development. However, it is not recommended that potatoes are treated before tuber initiation as this will lead to an increase number of small potatoes. (This may be used to advantage for seed potato production.)

Increases Plant Resistance To Frost And Drought:

Natrasol contributes to greater microbial activity in the soil and this in turn, together with greater root development, leads to an increase in nutrient availability. Spraying sensitive crops such as citrus capsicum and tomatoes with NatraSol liquid seaweed can reduce damage from late frost. In drought conditions plants sprayed have a better survival rate than unsprayed plants. In saline soils, NatraSol liquid seaweed significantly increases plant vigour. In marginal land, the correct use of Natrasol can make the difference between a profitable return and a loss.

Application Notes:

Natrasol Plants is a fine premium grade seaweed extract with a particle size <100 microns.

For optimum plant uptake, foliar spray early in the morning or cool of the afternoon, when most of the nutrients and growth regulators will be taken into the sap stream within the first hour of application.

This is of particular benefit for a crop that is stressed and unable to obtain nutrients directly from the soil → Foliar Application Benefits

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