Greenlife River Sand 20 kg - Free draining, washed and screened sand.
Main Uses:
# Mixing for propagating media.
# Levelling lawn areas.
# Paving & concreting.
Q. Is this sand suitable for aquariums?
A. After contacting the manufacturer I was told this product was not suitable for aquariums. However for this use case please consider Aquarium Sand Superwhite listed below.
Q. Do you know why this is not suitable for aquariums?
A. I did call the manufacturer and unfortunately, they didn't know exactly why it wasn't suitable. They speculated that was due to PH levels or contaminates. After looking online I found a video on "How to make river sand aquarium safe" and in the description, it mentions that it eliminates any parasites or bad bacteria. The process involves boiling the sand in water. See video below.