Debco Premium Bulb Potting Mix 10 Litres (DISC)


Debco Premium Bulb Potting Mix 10 Litres (DISC)

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Flowering bulbs potted in Debco Bulb Mix add a splash of colour and fragrance to entrances, balconies and patios, around the pool or barbecue, and even indoors.

Spring bulbs ideal for pots include Crocus, Daffodils (especially miniatures), Dutch Iris, Double Freesias, Hyacinths, Jonquils, Lachenalias, Muscari, Bluebells, Springstars, Tulips, Babianas and Baby Gladioli.

Summer bulbs for pots include Liliums, Gloriosa, Hippeastrums, Lily Of The Valley, Sprekelia, Sacred Lily Of The Incas, Bearded Iris, Calla Lilies, Dahlias, Day Lilies and Tuberose.

Bulbs perform at their best thanks to the excellent nutrients in Debco Bulb Mix . It produces superb flowers and sustains growth for three to nine months. Use straight from the bag in garden beds or containers, then water in. It's easy!

When to use Debco Bulb Premium Potting Mix

You may use Debco Bulb Mix at any time of the year, but take note of the correct planting time for the various bulb varieties. For many bulb varieties planting should take place during the autumn, but there are some varieties that are planted at other times of the year. Follow recommended planting times on the bulb packs.

How to use Debco Bulb Mix

Choose a pot or container at least 10-12 cm deep to allow for healthy root growth, and with ample drainage holes. Waterlogging is the greatest enemy of potted bulbs. Daffodils, Tulips, Hyacinths, Liliums and Crocus prefer a cool root zone, so terracotta containers are the best option. Pots should be located in a cool, dark area until the growing shoot is 5 cm high.

Part-fill your container with Debco Bulb Mix.

Place your bulbs, taking care that bulbs do not touch each other or the walls of the container. (For planting depths, see our 'Hint' below). Fill around and over bulbs with potting mix.

Once planted, settle the mix by gently tapping the bottom of the container on the ground. Soak thoroughly to ensure water penetrates the mix. Maintain moisture while growing.

When flowering is complete, and the leaves begin to yellow and collapse, move the pot to a less obvious location and maintain your watering programme.

Once the leaves begin to die down, larger bulbs are best removed from the pot, stored in a warm, dry place and replanted the following season. Smaller bulbs can be left in. Top-dress as new shoots appear.

Refer to growing instructions on bulb packaging and always consult your local nursery staff for advice.


Use Debco Bulb Mix straight from the bag. For best results, don't mix it with anything and close the bag tightly after use. Store in a cool, dry location.

Topdress with Debcote All Purpose fertiliser when the first buds appear. This will continue to feed the bulbs after flowering.

It is recommended that bulbs are pre-chilled in a moist environment prior to planting. For best results, place your bulbs in the vegetable crisper of your fridge until the desired planting time. After potting up, locate in a cool place to allow a strong root development prior to foliage development. Liliums and Dahlias do not require refrigeration and should be potted straight from the pack into the mix

Planting depths: When using shallow containers, plant larger bulbs such as Daffodils and Hyacinths just below the surface and closer together than in the garden (23cm apart). Plant small bulbs like Freesias at the same depth as in the garden, but closer together. In large, deep containers, plant several layers of bulbs for more flowering over a longer period.

Using the same container, combine bulb varieties that have different flowering times so you can enjoy your flowers over a longer period. Also combine annuals such as Alyssum, Lobelia.

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