A Guide to Australian Long and Broadtailed Parrots and NZ Kakarikis (ABK Books) - Their management, care & breeding.
This full colour 88-page title features beautiful photography throughout. Each of the 12 species is featured in its own chapter and includes a distribution map and general information specific to that species.
General Management | SPECIES |
Managing Disease and Injury | Crimson-winged Parrot |
Caring for New Arrivals | Princess Parrot |
How Old Are Your Birds? | Regent Parrot |
Diet and Nutrition | Superb Parrot |
Nutritional Requirements of Young Birds | King Parrot |
Pelleted Diets | Red-capped Parrot |
Dietary Components | Mallee Ringnecked Parrot |
Vitamins and Minerals at a Glance | Cloncurry Parrot |
Failure to Breed | Port Lincoln Parrot |
Handrearing | Twenty-eight Parrot |
The Need for Heat and Humidity | Red-fronted Kakariki |
Feeding Formulas | Yellow-fronted Kakariki |
How Much? | |
How Often? | |
Keeping the Food Warm | |
Utensils for Feeding | |
Weaning | |
Security |
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