Plain Canary Bird Seed (Avigrain)


Plain Canary Bird Seed (Avigrain)

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Click & Collect available from 2 Sydney locations. Enfield or Campbelltown.

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Plain canary seed is an important element it the diet of all canaries but must be used in conjunction with other seeds. All sizes (except the 20kg) are bagged in clear plastic bags.

Canary seed is grown in Australia in similar areas to wheat and oats and during the winter season. It is considered an important component in bird seed mixes because of its palatability and nutritional content. Low in carbohydrates and high in fibre in comparison to other millets, it is a good source of food which is not fattening. Breeders of canaries, finches and budgies place great importance on canary seed as being part of their bird’s diet. Although more expensive canary seed is an integral seed in a good quality birdseed mix. Unlike other cereal grains, canary can be stored for a long period of time without deteriorating.

Frequently Asked Questions?

Q. I'm interested in sprouting these seeds for human consumption. Have they been sprayed with anything and are they safe to eat in this way?

A. Answer from a rep of manufacturer. "We don't test for this so officially we have no comment. I would remind them that it is produced for pet food, not human consumption but I strongly doubt they would have any problem."

Q. Is this canary seed hairless?

A. I called the manufacturer and apparently, they are not sure if the current seed is hairless as both types are used interchangeably and often mixed together from different sources.

Q. Is this canary seed silica fibre free?

A. Apparently, the manufacturer does not know as its not something they test for.

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