Growing Tips. Follow these 3 easy steps.
Keep kit out of direct sunlight. A wardrobe, garage of laundry is a good spot.
Step 1. Open the box. If the compost looks brown, close the kit and leave it for a week or more. Once the compost is frosty white continue to Step 2.
Step 2. Open the plastic and evenly spread the casing over the compost, leaving it loose and fluffy. Leave the kit open.
Step 3. Every 2-3 day's mist with water. After two to three weeks mushrooms will begin to form. Twist each mushroom out, removing any remaining stump. Fill in holes with surrounding peat moss.
For more Advanced Growing Techniques for these mushroom kits see download tab above.
Questions & Answers:
Q. How many kilograms of mushrooms can I expect these kits to yield?
A. According to manufacturer these kits usually produce about 1.5 to 2kg (16/5/14)
Q. Are these mushroom kits organic?
A. After calling the manufacturer, I was told the following. The main part of the kit (the large bag) that includes the compost and mushroom spawns is actually organic but it has not been certified so. The second smaller bag included in the mushroom kit (ie bag of peat) is not certified organic however the bag of peat is just pure peat taken straight from the ground with nothing added and so is totally natural.
Q. Can mushrooms be grown in summer?
A. In theory, you can grow mushrooms in summer, as long as you can keep the mushrooms cooler than 24 degrees most of the time and always under 30 degrees. Since this can be difficult, we generally do not recommend growing mushrooms during summer especially if you are in part of Australia with a warmer climate.
Q. Can I grow mushrooms from the same mushroom growing kit multiple times?
A. Yes, according to the manufacturer "Most kits produce two very large crops of mushrooms and then several smaller fruiting"
Q. What is the self-life of the Mushroom Grow Kits?
A. This kit is designed to be started immediately, a short delay of a week or two is OK, a delay of a month or more is to long and not a good idea. It may still grow, but fewer mushrooms will be produced the longer you wait. If you wish to delay, starting your kit for a few weeks, store the kit below in a cool as location as possible.