Fair Dinkum Fertilizers Seaweed Gold Liquid Hose On RTU 2L


Fair Dinkum Fertilizers Seaweed Gold Liquid Hose On RTU 2L

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Fair Dinkum Fertilizers Seaweed Gold Liquid Hose On RTU 2L.

Fair Dinkum Fertilizers Seaweed Gold liquid seaweed is made from fresh Australian bull kelp, (Durvillea potatorum), collected from the rugged North West coast of Tasmania.
It is digested using a warm hydrolysis process specially developed for the brewing of fresh kelp by Fair Dinkum Fertilizers. It is also known as Seaweed - All purpose liquid seaweed concentrate.

* It is suitable for all plants except fungi based plants such as mushrooms and truffles etc

The process maximises the extraction of the plant growth regulators. The extract has been extensively tested in both laboratory and in the field.

It contains micro nutrients and plant growth hormones recommended for environmentally friendly and sustainable gardens. Fair Dinkum Fertilizers Seaweed Gold concentrate is an alkaline based seaweed and is suitable for general use. It increases root development and builds resistance to drought and other environmental stress. If using as a foliar feed, spray in the early morning or late afternoon. Do not apply if the temperature is above 22 degrees celsius or in full sun to prevent potential leaf burn or damage.

The plant growth regulators or hormones it contains, including auxins, cytokinins, betaines sugars and phenolics are stable compounds in the product and lead to increased chlorophyll production, increased root development, increased tolerance with environmental stresses caused by drought, frost, insect attack and salinity, and an increased uptake of “locked-up” nutrients in the soil.

Fair Dinkum Fertilizers Seaweed Gold, has been found to give significant increase in root development in a range of plants including ornamentals, vegetables and cereals. Best results are obtained by two or more applications between 3-5 L/ha.
The results are more marked if the application is made in the early stage of plant development. However, it is not recommended that potatoes are treated before tuber initiation as this will lead to an increased number of small potatoes. (This may be used to advantage for seed potato production).


  1. Remove pins from the top of the spray nozzle.
  2. Attach the hose to the connector and turn hose on
  3. Lift stopper when ready to spray ( Product will start to disperse immediately from the bottle )
  4. Apply over plants and lawns accordingly.

This 2 ltre bottle will cover up to 300 square metres.

After use, replace pins in spray nozzle if any contents remain in the bottle

Application rates:
Home Garden
Mix 40ml of product to 9 ltrs of water.
Apply 10 ltrs p/Ha. Dilute 1 part product into at least 20 ltrs of water.
Apply early Spring, late Spring and late Autumn.
Apply 10 ltrs p/Ha. Dilute 1 ltr product into at least 20 ltrs of water.
Apply at early leaf stage and then follow up sprays at 2-3 week intervals

Potassium 3.4%
Sulphur 0.8%
Solids >9.5%
Filtration 100 mic

(An organic formulation is also available to meet the organic standard).
%W/V is grams per 100ml of product
ppm is parts per million on weight basis
g/l is grams per litre
mic = microns

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