Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate Blue Stone (Barmac).
Copper Sulphate aka Blue Stone is a multipurpose product used by some as an ingredient for a traditional homemade fungicide and other uses.
Active Constituent: 250g/kg Copper(Cu) present as Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate.
1. Please only use this product if you know what you are doing and know how to use this product safely. Always seek expert advice before using this product.
2. This item is re-packed into a clear bag. Multiple items/kilos will be put into one bag.
3. The product may be branded as Barmac or branded with a different brand name depending on batch available.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. I just want to know the percentage of copper sulphate pentahydrate in this product?
A. Please see the relevant information below taken from the manufacturer's website.
Component Melpat
Analysis Purity of Copper Sulphate 99.28%
Copper Content 25.34%
Q. Is this product suitable for ponds to get rid of green algae?
A. I'm not sure if copper sulphate is suitable for ponds. It's best to stick with a product that's especially suited to ponds. See PondCare Algaefix below.
Q. Is Copper Sulphate (Blue Stone) suitable for treating algae in swimming pools?
A. Apparently, our Sydney store does have customers that use copper sulphate for their pools. I've also found a website that suggests copper sulphate for swimming pools to treat algae.