
Birds For Sale

Product type:

For all inquiries regarding Birds For Sale please call our Enfield store 02 97475713. Do NOT use email or live chat support for such inquiries.

Enfield Store Address: 56 Coronation Pde Enflield NSW 2136

Birds for Sale Sydney @ Enfield Produce : Pet & Garden Supplies

Store Address: 56 Coronation Pde Enfield NSW 2136 (Near Strathfield)

Store Phone: 02 97475713

Enfield Produce : Pet & Garden Supplies is a fully stocked Pet Store and Supplies Centre that specializes in Birds for Sale. Harry the store owner, has a life time of experience raising and breeding birds and togther with his team can provide excellent support and service for your new pet or breeding birds. By shopping with our experienced team you can make your next bird purchase with confidance that you are getting a male or female bird as requested and the best advice & price to help you make the right decision.

We also specialize in bird care and supplies with a huge range of bird seed and supplements, bird cages, feeders, waterers, and much more. Furthermore most of our bird supplies can be order online via our website and can be conveniently delivered to your home. 

See our websites Birds for Sale category for the birds that are often available at our store.