Barmac Wettable Sulphur (Fungicide and Miticide) 2kg


Barmac Wettable Sulphur (Fungicide and Miticide) 2kg

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Barmac Wettable Sulphur is a preventative fungicide and miticide (Group Y) and is for the control of certain fungal diseases in grape vines, pome, stone fruit, and vegetables.  It is also for the control of mites in citrus, grape vines, and vegetables.

Active Constituents: 800g/kg sulphur

Key Benefits:

  • Economical crop protection from powdery mildew, rust, brown rot, black spot, and mites in registered crops.
  • Permit for use in dubosia for red spider mite.
  • A dry flowable formulation that disperses rapidly.
  • Can be applied in tank mixes with a wide range of other chemicals and/or fertilizers.
Product Characteristics
Colour Brown/Yellow Powder
Specific Gravity 1.8-2 g/cm³

Directions for Application (Refer to product label for more detailed instructions)

Crop Weeds State Rate/100L Water Critical Comments
Vegetables (not cucumbers or rockmelons)
Powdery Mildew, Rust, Tomato
Russet Mite, Bean Spider Mite,
Two spotted Mite
200 to 300g
Apply when pest or disease is first seen and repeat as necessary. Use the higher rate in crops with a large leaf cover or when conditions favour disease or mite development.
Powdery Mildew Rust QLD only 350g
Powdery Mildew, Rust, Tomato
Russet Mite, Bean Spider Mite
NSW only 200g
Citrus Rust Mite, Brown Citrus Rust
Mite, Citrus Bud Mite
NSW, WA, QLD, VIC & SA only 400 to 500g
Spray July to August with thorough coverage.
Do not use on citrus in hot weather or within 21 days of an oil spray. Use the higher rate for heavy infestations
Citrus Bud Mite TAS only 200 to 300g
White Louse Scale NSW only 200 to 300g
May be added to copper spray at petal fall or applied separately during spring or autumn. Do not use on citrus in hot weather or within 21 days of an oil spray. Use the higher rate for heavy infestations.
Grape leaf Blister Mite NSW, VIC, TAS, SA & WA only 200 to 300g
Apply at 2-4 weekly intervals depending on the incidence of pest or disease. Use the higher rate for heavy incidence of infestation.
Vine Mite QLD only 350g
Powdery Mildew
NSW, VIC, SA, WA & TAS 200 to 300g
Apply when shoots are 20-25 cm long and repeat at intervals of 10 -14 days during humid weather. Use the higher rate early in the season before temperatures rise.
QLD only 350g
Stone Fruit (except apricots)
NSW, VIC, SA, WA, & TAS only 200 to 300g Apply about 4 weeks after petal fall. Use the
higher rate when conditions favour disease
QLD only 350g Apply at petal fall and then at intervals of 3-4
weeks until mid-late January.
Brown Rot
NSW, VIC, TAS & SA 200g Apply 4 weeks after petal fall then as cover
QLD only 350g Apply at petal fall only.
Pome Fruit
Powdery Mildew
NSW, VIC, TAS, SA & WA only 200 to 300g
Apply at pink bud, petal fall and then at intervals
of 2-3 weeks. Use the lower rate if weather is
hot and spraying non sensitive varieties. Do not
use on Sulphur sensitive apple and pear
varieties in hot weather. Also suppresses mite
QLD only 350g
Black Spot (Scab)
VIC, TAS & SA only 200g
QLD only 350g
Powdery Mildew, Two Spotted Mite
VIC, TAS, SA, WA 200g
Apply when pest or disease is first seen and
repeat as necessary.
QLD only 350g
Powdery Mildew NSW only 200g

NOTE: Do not foliar apply during the heat of the day (> 25 DegC) when evaporation rates are at their highest. It is recommended that when foliar applying to a crop or area for the first time in combination with other chemicals, a small test area should be sprayed and observed for phytotoxicity prior to the total spray. Foliar spraying is recommended during early morning or late afternoon. Use the minimum foliar application rate on young or sensitive crops. Applying additional products in the same tank mix increases the phytotoxic risk to crops. Because climatic and soil conditions, application methods, irrigation and agricultural practices are beyond the control of Barmac and cannot be foreseen, Barmac accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any commercial damage, loss or other result following the use of this product whether used in accordance with directions or not, subject to any overriding statutory provision and provided that such liability under those provisions shall be limited to the replacement of the goods as supplied or the rendering again of the services that are provided. The buyer accepts and uses this product subject to these conditions.

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