Seasol Trilogy 631 (5 Litre)


Seasol Trilogy 631 (5 Litre)

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A unique blend of three refined natural soil & plant beneficial compounds.

Seasol Trilogy 631 is a product to boost, connect and regenerate the soil processes for better agricultural productivity and longer-term soil fertility. 

Productive soils rely on soil ecosystem processes and the nitrogen and carbon cycles being synchronised. However, in depleted soils that are farmed intensely with limited crop diversity, the natural ecosystem processes become disconnected. Similarly, a dependency upon inorganic fertiliser eventually results in fragmented biological, plant, soil and microbe ecosystems.

Trilogy 631 is a unique blend of three refined natural soil & plant beneficial compounds. Seasol (Kelp), PowerFish (Fish extract) and Organic Humate. Trilogy 631 enhances plant and root growth, supplying the soil carbon and nitrogen cycle, supplying plants with amino acids, leaves the soil with Soil Organic Matter, and converting more sunlight.

Features & Benefit:

  • Promotes shoot growth and increases plant root mass.
  • Plant-available and totally soluble nutrients.
  • Stimulates beneficial microbial activity in all soils.
  • Revitalises the soil with natural nutrients, vitamins, proteins and amino acids.


  1. Trilogy 631 must be diluted in water. Use sufficient water to achieve adequate coverage when applying as a foliar spray. 
  2. Shake or agitate before use. Maintain agitation during dilution & application if possible. 
  3. Climatic stress – use 8.5/17L / ha 3-7 days prior to and ofter extreme stress events (e.g. heatwave and frost) to mitigate crop damage and assist recovery. 

Each of the extracts have ingredients for specific roles:

• Seasol Liquid Seaweed extract for plant productivity and stress tolerance - providing an organically diverse and plant active composition.

• PowerFish Liquid Fish extract for available organic nitrogen - providing free amino acids.

• Liquid Humate extract for available carbon - providing Humic acids and Fulvic acids.

In combination with growing plants, Seasol Trilogy 631 supplements the soil ecosystem processes needed for plant productivity and enhanced soil fertility by:

• Enhancing plant and root growth - plants then pump additional root exudates (photosynthate carbon) into the soil and feed soil microbiology at the rhizosphere.

• Supplying the soil carbon and nitrogen cycle - with available organic nitrogen and accessible carbon.

• Supplying plants with amino acids - and peptides for enhanced plant growth.

• Leave the soil with Soil Organic Matter - from increased plant and microbe organic matter.

• Converting more sunlight - due to increased plant growth, plants produce more photosynthate, pump relatively more exudates into the soil and enhance the functioning of the overall soil ecosystem. Productive soils rely on soil ecosystem processes and the nitrogen and carbon cycles being synchronised. However, in depleted soils that are farmed intensely with limited crop diversity, the natural ecosystem processes become disconnected. Similarly, a dependency upon inorganic fertiliser eventually results in fragmented biological, plant, soil and microbe ecosystems.

SEASOL For improved plant growth and stress tolerance

Seasol seaweed extract is rich in organic content, has a high molecular diversity and contains a range of trace elements. Seasol seaweed extract has 17% total solids content and 3.7% (w/v) Potassium (Typical Analysis April 2017). Seasol seaweed extract is manufactured from two types of seaweeds producing a refined liquid seaweed extract and filtered to 150micron for agricultural use. Seaweed extracts are effective across a wide variety of plants and soils, and have many beneficial plant growth and plant health properties (Arioli et al, 2015; Shukla et al, 2019; Islam et al, 2020):

Increases plant productivity - Field trials have been used extensively to demonstrate that seaweed extracts improve plant growth, yield and fruit quality. The benefits have been found across a wide variety of crops such as grapes, sugarcane, almond, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, and garden plants.

Increase tolerance to plant stress - Seaweed extracts offer increased tolerance to a diversity of non-lethal stresses including heat, drought and cold stresses, and to pathogen stresses. Seaweed extracts increase plant tolerance to.stress by earlier triggering of natural plant responses and associated gene expression networks.

Increase root growth - Plant roots are used to capture soil nutrients for plant growth and interaction with functionally important microbes that benefit plant growth and soil ecosystems. Seaweed extracts increase root structure and particularly root length. This ability enables plants to better utilise the nutrients in their soils and feed microbes with exudates released by the expanded root system. Seaweed meal is liquefied by chemical hydrolysis using alkaline extraction. Seaweed extracts are complex and heterogenous in natural which makes their precise characterisation limited. The complex seaweed extracts are biologically rich activating multiple plant responses and growth systems. Rather than chemical composition, Seaweed extracts rely on plant and field testing to demonstrate their beneficial plant and soil properties. Chemical composition tends be used for quality control in the manufacturing of seaweed extracts. Their ability of seaweed extracts to promote root structure expands the beneficial root interactions associated with the soil carbon and nitrogen ecosystem processes.

POWERFISH For organic nitrogen

PowerFish is a fish extract rich in organic nitrogen and composed of free amino acids and partially digested protein (polypeptides). PowerFish has 2.8% (w/v) organic nitrogen and 28% total solids content (PowerFish Technical Analysis April 2017). The amino acids are in a biologically active form to the plant and soil microbes. PowerFish is made from dried fish meal producing a refined fish extract with low oil content and filtered to 150micron for agricultural use.

Fish extracts are useful in agriculture because they increase plant growth, productivity, and quality across wide range of crops (Madende et al, 2020; Colla et al, 2017). Fish extracts increase root mass, shoot length, leaf area, total chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate.

Fish extracts are manufactured using chemical hydrolysis to liberate free amino acids and short proteins (polypeptides) (Adamczyle et al, 2010; Paungfoo.Lohienne et al 2008; Waterworth & Bray 2006).

Plants can use a wide range of organic nitrogen sources for growth (Adamczyle et al, 2010; Paungfoo.Lohienne et al 2008; Waterworth & Bray 2006) such as amino acids, peptides (short proteins) and proteins.

• Amino acids are ready-for-uptake by plants and this feature helps plants to save energy on amino acid synthesis.

• Amino acids are ready-to-use and be made into plant proteins.

• Peptides and proteins are assimilated by plants after root exudates (containing proteases) are used to cleave proteins into smaller peptides and individual amino acids that can be assimilated by plants.

• The combination of smaller peptides and individual amino acids provide a steady and dynamic pool of accessible nitrogen for plant growth.

Plants assimilate amino acids with varying efficiencies. The process is influenced by the type of plant and their root architecture, the composition of the root exudates, the amino acid concentration in the soil and soil microbe composition and abundance.

Organic nitrogen in fish extracts is less prone to leaching because the amino acids are readily available to the plants and soil microbes for assimilation. Amino acids used by the soil microbiology (and food web) later become part of the soil organic matter.

Fish extracts and seaweed extracts are synergetic. The rhizosphere, where growing roots interface with soil and microbes, is an important niche for amino acid and nutrient uptake. Seaweed extracts promote root growth which enables the effective utilisation of the organic nitrogen supplied by the fish extracts.

LIQUID ORGANIC HUMATE For improved soil properties

Liquid organic humate is an extract rich in organic carbon content and composed of accessible carbon in the forms of humic and fulvic acids. Liquid organic humate has a 21% total solids content and 2.4% (w/v) Potassium (Typical Analysis April 2017). The humic and fulvic acids are biologically active and accessible to soil microbes for decomposition. Liquid organic humate is made from a dried Humic and Fulvic extract of lignite producing a refined liquid organic humate product and filtered to 150micron for agricultural use.

Humic substances such as humic and fulvic acids are natural organic molecules originating from the biological and chemical transformations of plant matter that eventually decomposed to form peat (Canellas et al 2015). The carbon in these forms are available to the soil microbiology for processing. Other fractions of the Soil Organic Matter are resistant to decomposing and slower to entry the soil carbon cycle.

Humic substances can be extracted by liquefying humate in lignite using chemical hydrolysis and acid and alkaline processing. Humic acids are complex and heterogenous in chemical structure, have amphiphilic (having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts) properties, are linked by intramolecular associations which makes their precise characterisation difficult despite possessing a distinguishable carbon backbone.

Humic acids are useful in agriculture for their soil improving properties and accessible carbon (Canellas et al 2015; Jindo et al 2020; Zanin et al 2019). Liquefied humic substances are generally applied as a soil drench to improve

Soil Structure: The addition of humic acids to soils triggers the formation of clay-humic complexes which increase soil aggregation. Improved soil aggregation results in improved structural stability and soil porosity, increased water holding capacity, less soil compaction and improved soil aeration. Soil treated with Humic acids have improved soil aggregate stability after successive wetting and drying cycles.

• Buffering capacity: Humic acids are rich in reactive acidfunctional groups which provide an inherent buffering capacity. Humic acids buffer over a wide pH range which is useful as many fertilisers acidify the soil.

Chelation: Humic substances have chelation properties. The abundance of functional groups in the complex humic substances allows them to have positive and negative charges. In the soil these charges attract both cations and anions making more of these ions available to the plant. The aliphatic (open chain) nature enables humic acids to reduce nutrient leaching, enhances fertiliser efficiency and prolongs the period that the bound nutrients are available to the plant.

Microbial activity and soil carbon: Humic acids are a source of food for various microorganisms and can increase microbial activity, abundance and biomass. Lower molecular weight fractions of humic acids tend to be the most biologically active. Increases in microbe activity enhances the mineralization of soil organic matter, thus increasing the pool of nutrients available to plants.

Humic acids have been found to be more effective under soil conditions of poor fertility and low organic matter content. Humic acids are synergistic with agricultural products that increase plant root growth because of improved nutrient availability and access to plants.

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