Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) (By Organics Made Easy)
New Instructional Book! On how to best use Diatomaceous Earth around the home and garden. For easy application use with Professional Duster. See below.
Diatomaceous Earth is an organic mineral which is popular internationally for organic pest control around the home & garden. This Diatomaceous Earth is food grade, superfine and very light weight providing more volume per kilo than other brands.
Size Guide:
- 1.9 Litre Bag (approximately 500g)
- 3.8 kg Bucket.
Active Constituent: 900g/kg Amorphous Silica.
Uses: Internationally, Diatomacous Earth has a wide range of uses in organic agriculture and household pest control and is included in products which are registered, marketed and certified for the control of bed bugs, cockroaches, slverfish, ants, fleas, flies, ticks, lice, earwigs, aphids, white fly, beetles, loopers, mites, snails, slugs, leaf hoppers.
Disclaimer: Please note that Diatomaceous Earth is not yet registered for these uses in Australia. In Australia its' range of registered uses is limited. Current research and product development is focussed on
- Bed bugs.
- Poultry pests: red mite, darkling beetle and lice.
- Internal parasites of poultry, goats and sheep.
Questions & Answers:
Q. Is this Diatomaceous Earth product definitely safe to use on cats for the treatment of fleas?
A. This item is not a registered insecticide for use on dogs and cats for fleas so we cant comment definatively on its safety. However we do know staff members, friends and customers who have used this product on their cats without any ill effects.