Volcanic Rock Dust (Healthy Earth)


Volcanic Rock Dust (Healthy Earth)

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For Sale
30075 - select bag size:2 kg

Click & Collect available from 2 Sydney locations. Enfield or Campbelltown.

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Volcanic Rock Dust - Trace Mineral Fertilizer.

Size Guide: 2kg, 4.5kg and 20kg.

NOTE: The 2kg size is taken and repackaged from a full-sized 20kg bag and sold in clear bags.


Volcanic Dust is a Bio-Dynamic soil activator which is great for mineralizing and softening soils. It helps give fruit and veggies better taste and nutrition. It helps make the environment more insect resistant and help prevent the soil from drying out. Good for composting and worms, helping healthy microbes grow.

The Volcano is earth's most powerful mineral factory, producing everything including sulphur, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, silver, and a huge range of valuable trace minerals from deep inside the earth. Spread it on your garden for good health.

Application: Just sprinkle on and water in, only 50 grams per square metre. Pot plants 1 to 2 teaspoons. Mix with soil and potting mix when planting.

Analysis: Silica 50%, Potassium 3.39%, Phosphate 0.72 %, Magnesium 2.98 %, Iron 4.54 %, Nitrogen 0.04%, Zinc 0.01%, Calcium 5.83%, Magnesium 0.17%, Sulphur 2.61%, Copper 0.05% + Organic Carbons & much more.

Volcanic Rock Dust

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. The product has a lighter coloured aggregate mixed into the dark basalt. The aggregate size is only 1mm but is noticeable throughout. What is this substance?

A. From the Manufacturer: I think what the customer is referring to is the elemental sulphur we add to the volcanic dust as a trace element. It's very good for soil health.

Q. I am interested in buying your volcanic rock dust, but I need a very fine, small particle size, like flour actually. Can you confirm that this product is a very fine consistency, please?

A. Yes, I was able to see the dust via the clear side of the packet and the volcanic dust that I looked at was very fine and resembled grey flour.

Q. Where is your volcanic rock dust obtained from? 

A. This rock dust is from somewhere in Australia but the manufacturer would not disclose the location since it's a high-quality product which many others seek to emulate.

Q. Is there anything added to the rock dust?

A. According to the manufacturer, this rock dust has 3 minerals added to it. These include sulphur, zinc, and boron since they are very important and many gardens have a deficiency in them.

Q. Can you please tell me if it is actually volcanic ash? I need it as pure as possible for my project, please?

A. Answer from Manufacturer: It is volcanic lava that is crushed into dust so it is the same as volcanic ash. It has added trace elements to enhance and balance it.

Q. How often should I apply this product to my vegetable garden?

A. The manufacturer suggests 2 to 4 times per year to a general garden and 4 times a year for a vegetable garden. 

Q. Can you tell me if this Rock dust product contains boron, molybdenum and lead and if so in what proportions?

A. I got this answer from the manufacturer: "Attached is an analysis of the trace elements. Boron and molybdenum are essential trace elements for plant and animal health at the right concentrations which our product contains. I will have to look for lead levels analysis however I am sure they are well within limits. Also, we have conducted hair analysis from time to time throughout the years for heavy metal detection. I have very high exposure levels to the volcanic rock dust and all the tests come up with no problems at all that may be associated with the product" See above image for analysis.

Q. What is the paramagnetic value of your volcanic rock dust?

A. After emailing the manufacturer i was advised the following "From tests we requested  the paramagnetic  value was reported at 7,200"

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