Cross Breed Baby Chicks Unsexed


Various Cross Breed Baby Chicks / Chickens

Breeds: Various mixed breeds including Bantam / Silkie / Isa Brown etc etc

Sex: Unsexed, mixed hens and roosters.

Price: $3.50 each

Availability: Please call our Sydney Store on 97475713 to confirm before arriving instore. Please do NOT email availability enquiries as these emails are answered from a different location.

How to Buy: When available these chicksĀ can be purchased from our store at 56 Coronation Pde Enfield 2136. Home Delivery is NOT available for birds and pets. For a map click "STORE LOCATION" above.

Age:Ā Chicks areĀ usually between 7 and 14 days old.


Baby chicks up until about 3- 4 weeks old cannot generate their own body heat so they require an artificial heat source like a heat lamp or globe lamp to help maintain body heat. During hot weather conditions the heating should be reduced or stopped. This needs to be monitored so the chicks are kept at around 26 to 29 degrees. Please see Harry in-store on how to keep you baby chicks warm.

Other Chickens for Sale include: Black Australorp Chickens, White leg horn Chickens, Isa Brown Chickens (Hens) & Ducks.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Do you have day old to week old, female silkie chicks available?

A. Not usually. We usually only have Silkie hens that are 11 weeks of age or older. Click here for more information on our Silkies.