Silkie Chickens for Sale Sydney


Silkie Chickens for Sale Sydney

For all inquiries regarding Chickens For Sale please call our Enfield store PH 0297475713

Do NOT use email or live chat support for such inquiries.

Enfield Store Address: 56 Coronation Pde Enflield NSW 2136

Trading Hours - Map To Enfield Store

Silkie Chickens for Sale Sydney (Hens) 

Price: Our prices are very competitive but do vary from batch to batch. Please call the store to confirm current price.

Availability: Please call our Sydney store on (02) 97475713 to confirm availability and price. Please do NOT email regarding availability but call the store instead.

How to Buy: All our pets are in-store pick only and are NOT available for home delivery.

Store Address: 56 Coronation Pde, Enfield NSW. (near Strathfield)

Age: Varies from batch to batch. Usually 10 to 12 weeks of age.

Colours: Various Colours, but won't know till stock arrives.

Vaccination: Our Silkies have been vaccinated for Marek's Disease.

About Silkies for Sale: Silkies are quite compliant and docile birds and despite their soft delicate appearance are reasonably robust. The birds can be tamed and are often regarded by their owners as a real pet. Combine this with their curious, delicate appearance and one can see why this bird is often an appealing choice for the novice or child.

Chickens for Sale: Isa brown Hens, Australorp Chickens, White Leghorn Chickens, Baby Isa Brown Chickens. Ducks also available.

Disclaimer: All photo's in this section are for promotion purposes only and are NOT the actual poultry for sale. The actual poultry for sale may look significantly different or may even be a different breed to the birds pictured here.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Are your Silkies Bantam hens?

A. We are a bit uncertain if there is a separate variety of Silkies that are classified as bantams or if all Silkies are considered bantams. What we know for sure is that our Silkies are a little larger than typical bantams but smaller than regular laying breeds like Isa Browns.

Further reading from Wikipedia:

Silkies are often mistakenly called a bantam breed, and although they are considered bantams in some countries, this varies according to region and many breed standards class them officially as large fowl; the bantam Silkie is actually a separate variety most of the time. Almost all North American strains of the breed are bantam sized, but in Europe the standard-sized is the original version. However, even standard Silkies are relatively small chickens, with the males weighing only 1.8 kg, and females weighing 1.36 kg.

Q. Are these Silkies for Sale all hens because i don't want a rooster?

A. Yes, we buy these Silkies from our supplier as all hens. 


Click here for more information about Silkie Chickens.