Premium Fresh Meat Chicken Mince 20 kg (2 x 10kg bags). Trading Hours.
Order Online or Buy In-store @ 56 Coronation Pde Enfield NSW 2136 - (02) 97475713.
See disclaimer below before ordering.
Disclaimer: (See the 5 part disclaimer below before ordering)
1 of 5. We don't keep this item on hand: This product is not usually kept in stock but is specially ordered in fresh once your order is placed. Fresh Roo Meat usually arrives at our store every Tuesday but sometimes every fortnight.
2 of 5. Home Delivery Deadline: Please have your order in by Tuesday 3 pm for delivery the following week or fortnight. Orders are usually delivered on Wednesday to Friday the following week from when they are ordered (For eg if you order on Monday 1st you will likely get your order delivered between Wednesday 10th and Friday 12th)
3 of 5. In-store Pickup Deadline: If you would like to pick up at our Enfield Store please have your order in by Tuesday 3 pm for delivery the following week. Stock usually arrive each Tuesday. Enter your postcode as 0000 for in-store pickup. Please wait till you are notified that the stock has arrived before picking up. If we don't contact you please contact us. Don't delay as this item has a short shelf life and there are no refunds is the product spoils waiting for pickup.
4 of 5. No refunds once stock arrives: There are no refunds on this item as it has a short shelf. The only exception is if we are able to cancel the order before the supplier delivers the stock to our Enfield Store.
5 of 5. Orders to be left at front door: All fresh meat/frozen orders will be left at the front door if you are not home at the time of delivery. This will be done a buyers risk. We request that the refrigerated courier driver call you before delivery (Which usually happens) but we can't guarantee they will call beforehand.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Does this chicken meat have any offal or bones?
A. Answer from the Manufacturer: This mix is made up of Chicken frames, and some whole meat. (definitely NO bones) as it is fed to a lot of cat breeders