
Gloster Canaries

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For all inquiries regarding Birds For Sale please call our Enfield store 02 97475713.

Do NOT use email or live chat support for such inquiries.

Enfield Store Address: 56 Coronation Pde Enflield NSW 2136

Item Updated : 23/4/13

Name - Gloster Canaries for sale.

Price - Call store to confirm price & availabilty.

Important Note: Gloster Canaries are very seasonal and are mostly available during specific times. They are more likely to be available during April / May or around September each year. This is all the more reason to call first, before arriving in-store.

About: This is a delightful, easily bred, domestic canary. It is named after its creator, a Mrs Rogerson of Cheltenham, Gloustershire, England and appeared in 1925 as a cross between crested rollers canaries and small borders, with infusions of crested canary genes. It measures 11.5 cm, is neat and "cobby" in stature. Its crest should not extend over its eyes. When being bred, corona should be paired with consort to maintain the quaility of its neat crest. Ideally yellow should be crossed with buff.

Notes: Until Stocks last. Please call the enfield store on 97475713 to confirm availablity, price, and other details before visiting the store to purchase this item, as from time to time the information in this section may be dated or incorrect.

All photo's in this section are for promotion purposes only and are NOT the actual birds for sale. The actual birds for sale may look significantly different or may even be a different breed to the birds pictured here.

Other Canaries for Sale : Including Red Factor Canaries, Gloster Canaries, Border Canaries, German Roller Canaries, Fife Canaries & Lizard Canaries. See below for details.