German Roller Canaries


German Roller Canaries

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For all inquiries regarding Birds For Sale please call our Enfield store 02 97475713.

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Enfield Store Address: 56 Coronation Pde Enflield NSW 2136

Name - German Roller Canaries for sale Price - Call store to confirm price & availabilty.

About - Generally a self bird, its beautiful song can be traced to its wild origins in the German Hartz Mountains. Its song is quite different to that of any other variety, being a continous delivery of notes, more melodies and flowing than its rivals. Rollers are judged on song passages called 'tours' together in smooth transition, varing volume and scale to form a complete musical composition.

It is not possible to buy a roller from a pet shop simply becuase they must be isolated from all other bird sounds. Rather, they are reared only with their own kind and young birds are accommodated with adults, or seperation the harmonious 'rolls' and 'tours' of this canary are preserved through generations.

Further Information - The German roller canary, also known as the roller canary or Hartz Mountain roller canary, is one of the oldest and best-known song canaries. It is bred solely for its song rather than for physical appearance or color. When a song standard emerged in 1922, the birds were trained to sing well-defined passages or type segments, called tours. Each tour is delivered in a continuously rolling manner, thus the name of these birds being "roller".

The roller canary is bred solely for its song without concern for size, color or feathering; therefore, they can vary greatly in their appearance. Generally it has a rather flat head, straight back and good feather quality. The song of the roller canary is distinct and melodic, less shrill and choppy than the songs of other canaries. It sings with its beak closed, giving it a lower timbre that makes it so pleasing to the human ear. Canaries of both sexes can begin to sing a weak song as early as 4 weeks of age, but females usually don't sing after about 6 months of age and won't have the full long song of a male.

Notes: Until Stocks last. Please call the enfield store on 97475713 to confirm availablity, price, and other details before visiting the store to purchase this item, as from time to time the information in this section may be dated or incorrect.

All photo's in this section are for promotion purposes only and are NOT the actual birds for sale. The actual birds for sale may look significantly different or may even be a different breed to the birds pictured here.

Other Canaries for Sale : Including Red Factor Canaries, Gloster Canaries, Border Canaries, Fife Canaries & Lizard Canaries. See below for details.

Behavior/Health Concerns: The roller canary does well in either cages or aviaries. It is on the timid side and should not be housed together with parakeets, lovebirds or other hookbills that tend to be more aggressive. In a spacious aviary, canaries can generally be housed with other canaries, finches and other hardbills. They like to bathe daily and should be given water to do so. Their environment should not be wet, cool or drafty, and if they are given space to sunbathe, they should also have a shaded area to protect from too much sun. Keep perches clean to avoid any foot problems.