
Baby Roosters

For all inquiries regarding Roosters For Sale please call our Enfield store PH 0297475713

Do NOT use email or live chat support for such inquiries.

Enfield Store Address: 56 Coronation Pde Enflield NSW 2136

Baby Isa Brown & Australorp Roosters for Sale. 1 to 2 weeks old. Page updated 18/3/17

Price: $1.50 each.  To be sure of price and availability please call the Enfield Store on 97475713 before arriving in-store. All our pets are in-store pick up only.

Store Address: 56 Coronation Pde, Enfield NSW. (near Strathfield)


Baby chicks up until about 3- 4 weeks of age cannot generate their own body heat so require an artificial heat source like a heat lamp or globe lamp to help maintain body heat. During hot weather conditions the heating should be reduced or stopped. This needs to be monitored so that the chicks are kept at around 26 to 29 degrees. Please see the staff in-store on how to keep you baby chicks warm.

Other Chickens for Sale include: Black Australorp Chickens, White leg horn Chickens, Isa Brown Chickens Hens & Ducks