Agrobest Natrasoap Insecticidal Soap Spray (Organic)


Agrobest Natrasoap Insecticidal Soap Spray (Organic)

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Natrasoap Insecticidal Soap Spray (Agrobest) (BFA Certified Organic)

Size Guide: Available in 500ml, 1 Litre, or 5 Litre sizes.

Natrasoap is a new generation broad-spectrum insecticide formulated using potassium salts combined with fatty acids in a vegetable oil base. Natrasoap's mode of action is effective against a wide range of insect pests including Aphids, Mites eg Two-Spotted Mite, Spider Mite, Leafhopper, Thrips, Whitefly, Mealy Bug, Scale and Fungas Nats.

Natrasoap is a contact pesticide spray and best suited for early season application. Natrasoap used in an I.P.M. program has demonstrated an ideal fit as it has a different mode of action and is softer on predators than most currently used pesticides. It is cost effective and has nil residual, making it environmentally safe. Natrasoap is a BFA registered input.

What Does it Do?

NatraSoap is an organically registered contact insecticide system that contains potassium salts combined with fatty acids sourced from natural oils.

These naturally occurring fatty acids are known to be highly effective against soft-bodied insects and mites.

NatraSoap is a fast-acting organic contact insecticide, known to be highly effective against a wide range of soft-bodied pests such as:

  • Aphid
  • Thrips
  • Mealybug
  • Whitefly
  • Leafhopper
  • Two Spotted Mite
  • Spider Mite

Can be used on a wide variety of outdoor crops, fruit trees, vegetables, nurseries, ornamentals, and hothouse plants.

NatraSoap has no withholding period and is an Australian Organic Registered Farm Input for products that are used in organic farming or processing.

How Does it Work? 

NatraSoap is a contact insecticide that requires good coverage for high efficacy. When direct contact with the pest occurs Natrasoap begins to break down the insect Trachea, once applied Natrasoap becomes surface-active allowing a different mode of action to reduce the potential for the development of pest resistance. 

Enhanced pest control performance will be achieved by pre-mixing with SprayTech Oil. This will increase droplet deposition and retention resulting in improved rainfastness. 

NatraSoap is considered a selective insecticide due to its minimal adverse effects on other beneficial insects, including bees and predatory mites. 

NatraSoap is highly effective and can be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM), for the following reasons:

  • Approved for use in organic crops
  • Biodegradable with low toxicity to vertebrates 
  • Multiple modes of action reduce the potential for the development of pest resistance
  • No Withholding Period 

NatraSoap is cost-effective and has nil residual, making it safe in the environment and enabling immediate re-entry by workers of the target location. NatraSoap may be applied up to the day of harvest.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Can you tell me if the AgroBest Natrasoap is premixed or concentrate?

A. It is a concentrate. For outdoor crops, the rate is 150 to 300ml per 10 litres of water

Q.  Is Agrobest Natrasoap Insecticidal Soap Spray effective on Portuguese Millipedes?

I got this reply from the manufacturer Agrobest:

"It will be effective, millipedes are a bit tough, So you will have to be sure to apply in higher volumes of mixture, Using the 3/100L (3%) rate, in a higher spray volume"

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