Backyard Poultry - Naturally 3rd Edition


Backyard Poultry - Naturally 3rd Edition

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Backyard Poultry: Naturally - 3rd Ed by Alanna Moore. 153 Pages.

A selection of both black & white and colour photographs and illustrations are found throughout out the book, including breed photographs.

Alanna Moore is well-known in the poultry fraternity and the permaculture community through her articles in Australasian Poultry magazine and the Permaculture International Journal.

The author has focussed on herbal and homeopathic methods of treating poultry injuries and illnesses as well as explaining how to feed poultry on natural products, as opposed to commercial pellets.

Chapter 8, Poultry and Permaculture, is particularly interesting, covering the integration of poultry into a permaculture system. An excellent resource reference that is both entertaining and informative, Backyard Poultry - Naturally will appeal to amateur and avid poultry farmers alike.

From Back Cover:

What's the difference between a Fizzle and a Fav? A Pekin and a Polish? A Welsummer and a Wyandotte? How do successfully determine the sex of day-old chickens? What natural products can be used to treat lice infestation? And what should you do if a broody hen won't get off the nest to feed.

Backyard Poultry - Naturally answers all the questions and more. From housing to feeding, from selection to breeding, from pets to production, and from the best lookers to the best layers, this book covers everything the backyard farmer needs to know about poultry husbandry - Including preventative and curative herbal medicines and homeopathics.

Backyard Poultry - Naturally is an excellent resource. It is entertaining and informative, and will appeal to amateur and avid poultry farmers alike. Alanna Moore has taken her own extensive experience of herbal medicine and backyard poultry farming and used it to produce a very compact and readable reference.

Why Keep Poultry?
Poultry Behaviour and Management.
Backyard Poultry Breeds.
Housing Backyard Poultry.
Feeding Backyard Poultry.
Breeding Backyard Poultry.
Poultry Health - Naturally.
Poultry and Permaculture.
Poultry Plant Profiles.
Backyard Poultry Produce.

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